
93997 - REDEMED -Redução do Estresse e Desenvolvimento da Empatia na Medicina - 1

Período da turma: 11/03/2020 a 15/04/2020

Selecione um horário para exibir no calendário:
Módulo I – Respiração para saúde integral
Aula teórica - Pesquisas científicas sobre respiração e fisiologia respiratória
Prática - Técnicas para mobilizar a “Resposta de Relaxamento” e aliviar o estresse

Módulo II - Meditação para foco e equilíbrio
Aula teórica - Pesquisas científicas sobre meditação; Estresse bom e ruim – fisiologia do estresse e a “Resposta de Relaxamento”
Prática - Técnicas para mobilizar a “Resposta de Relaxamento” e aliviar o estresse

Módulo III – Empatia para saúde integral
AulaTeórica - Neurônios espelho; empatia na Medicina
Vivência - Comunicação empática com o paciente
Prática - Técnicas para mobilizar a “Resposta de Relaxamento” e aliviar o estresse (respiração, relaxamento profundo, meditação)

Módulo IV – Prática I
Prática - Técnicas para mobilizar a “Resposta de Relaxamento” e aliviar o estresse (respiração, relaxamento profundo, meditação)

Módulo V – Prática II
Prática - Técnicas para mobilizar a “Resposta de Relaxamento” e aliviar o estresse (respiração, relaxamento profundo, meditação).

Módulo VI – Prática III
Prática - Técnicas para mobilizar a “Resposta de Relaxamento” e aliviar o estresse (respiração, relaxamento profundo, meditação)

1. Dyrbye LN, Thomas MR, Shanafelt TD.Systematic review of depression, anxiety, and other indicators of psychological distress among U.S. and Canadian medical students.Acad Med. 2006; 81:354-73.
2. Tempski P, Bellodi PL, Paro HB, Enns SC, Martins MA, Schraiber LB. What do medical students think about their quality of life? A qualitative study. BMC Med Educ. 2012;12:106.
3. Santen SA, Holt DB, Kemp JD, Hemphill RR. Burnout in medical students: examining the prevalence and associated factors. South Med J. 2010; 103: 758-63.
4. Costa EF, Santos SA, Santos AT, Melo EV, Andrade TM. Burnout Syndrome and associated factors among medical students: a cross-sectional study. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2012; 67: 573-80.
5. Salim S, Chugh G, Asghar M. Inflammation in anxiety. Adv Protein ChemStructBiol.2012; 88:1-25.
6. Puustinen PJ, Koponen H, Kautiainen H, Mäntyselkä P, Vanhala M. Psychological distress and C-reactive protein: do health behaviours and pathophysiological factors modify the association? Eur Arch Psychiatry ClinNeurosci. 2011;261: 277-84.
7. Kamezaki Y, Katsuura S, Kuwano Y, Tanahashi T, Rokutan K. Circulating cytokine signatures in healthy medical students exposed to academic examination stress.Psychophysiology.2012; 49:991-7.
8. Schreiter S, Pijnenborg GH, Aan Het Rot M. Empathy in adults with clinical or subclinical depressive symptoms. J Affect Disord.2013; 150:1-16.
9. Gleichgerrcht E, Decety J. Empathy in clinical practice: how individualdispositions, gender, and experience moderate empathic concern, burnout, and emotional distress in physicians. PLoSOne. 2013; 8: e61526.
10. Schweller M, Costa FO, Antônio MA, Amaral EM, de Carvalho-Filho MA. The Impactof Simulated Medical Consultations on the Empathy Levels of Students at One Medical School.Acad Med. 2014 Feb 19. [Epubaheadofprint].
11. Hojat M, Mangione S, Nasca TJ, Rattner S, Erdmann JB,Gonnella JS, et al. An empirical study of decline in empathy in medical school. Med Educ 2004;38:934-41.
12. Sherman JJ, Cramer A. Measurement of changes in empathy during dental school. J Dent Educ 2005;69:338-45.
13. Barbosa P, Raymond G, Zlotnick C, Wilk J, Toomey R 3rd, Mitchell I J 3rd.Mindfulness-based stress reduction training is associated with greater empathyand reduced anxiety for graduate healthcare students. Educ Health (Abingdon).2013; 26:9-1 .
14. Batt-Rawden SA, Chisolm MS, Anton B, Flickinger TE. Teaching empathy tomedical students: an updated, systematic review. Acad Med. 2013;88:1171-7.
15. de Vibe M, Solhaug I, Tyssen R, Friborg O, Rosenvinge JH, Sørlie T, Bjørndal A. Mindfulness training for stress management: a randomised controlled study ofmedical and psychology students. BMC Med Educ. 2013; 13:107.
16. Goodman MJ, Schorling JB. A mindfulness course decreases burnout and improves well-being among healthcare providers. Int J Psychiatry Med. 2012;43:119-28.
17. Krasner MS, Epstein RM, Beckman H, Suchman AL, Chapman B, Mooney CJ, Quill TE.Association of an educational program in mindful communication with burnout,empathy, and attitudes among primary care physicians.JAMA.2009; 302:1284-93.
18. Bond AR, Mason HF, Lemaster CM, Shaw SE, Mullin CS, Holick EA, Saper RB.Embodied health: the effects of a mind-body course for medical students.Med EducOnline. 2013;18:1-8.
19. Warnecke E, Quinn S, Ogden K, Towle N, Nelson MR. A randomised controlled trial of the effects of mindfulness practice on medical student stress levels.Med Educ. 2011; 45:381-8.
20. Shiralkar MT, Harris TB, Eddins-Folensbee FF, Coverdale JH. A systematicreview of stress-management programs for medical students. Acad Psychiatry. 2013; 37:158-64.
21. Black DS, Cole SW, Irwin MR, Breen E, St Cyr NM, Nazarian N, Khalsa DS,Lavretsky H. Yogic meditation reverses NF-κB and IRF-related transcriptomedynamics in leukocytes of family dementia caregivers in a randomized controlledtrial. Psychoneuroendocrinology.2013; 38: 348-55.
22. Malarkey WB, Jarjoura D, Klatt M. Workplace based mindfulness practice andinflammation: a randomized trial. BrainBehavImmun. 2013; 27:145-54.
23. Andrews S. Estresse a seu favor. Editora Agora, São Paulo, 2003.
24. Reis RS, Hino AA, Añez CR. Perceived stress scale: reliability and validitystudy in Brazil. J Health Psychol. 2010; 15:107-14.
25. Luft CD, SanchesSde O, Mazo GZ, Andrade A. [Brazilian version of thePerceived Stress Scale: translation and validation for the elderly]. Rev SaudePublica. 2007; 41:606-15.
26. Paro HB, Daud-Gallotti RM, Tibério IC, Pinto RM, Martins MA. Brazilian versionof the Jefferson Scale of Empathy: psychometric properties and factor analysis. BMC Med Educ. 2012;12:73.

Carga Horária:

15 horas
Tipo: Obrigatória
Vagas oferecidas: 100
Ministrantes: Cristiane Massuda Ikehara Dezotti
Madeline Susan Andrews
Nei Rodrigues Alves Dezotti


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