
9451 - English on Campus - Intermediate 1

Período da turma: a

Selecione um horário para exibir no calendário:
Descrição: 1. relative pronouns as subjects and objects
2. clauses with IT + adverbial clauses with WHEN
3. gerund phrases as subjects and objects
4. comparisons
5. requests with modals
6. indirect requests
7. past continuous vs. simple past
8. past perfect
9. noun phrases containing relative clauses
10. expectations
11. describing problems with past participles as adjectives
12. passive in the present continuous and pres. perfect
13. would rather and would prefer
14. by + gerund to describe how to do things

Interchange 3 A – Third Edition – Cambridge

Carga Horária:

51 horas
Tipo: Obrigatória
Vagas oferecidas: 20
Ministrantes: Valdemar Francisco de Oliveira Filho


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