
94932 - The Black Liberation Movement in the USA

Período da turma: 10/02/2020 a 13/02/2020

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Descrição: In 2019 I taught a week-long Summer School seminar for the Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas of the Universidade de São Paulo, 5-8 February 2019, focused on the comparative history of race relations in the US, South Africa, and Brazil.

This was a wonderful experience, and I was quite impressed with the students. However, I felt the course might have been overly broad, requiring me to provide too much background for too many cases (US, Brazil, SA) in such a short time.

For this Summer School, I would like to propose a more focused course on “The Black Liberation Movement in the USA.”

I have taught similar seminars in South Africa (Univ. of the Western Cape), China (Nankai U.), Italy (Univ. of Genoa), Serbia (Univ. of Belgrade), France (EHESS), and now, of Course, at USP. I believe I know how to make the material accessible to those whose first language is not English.
Rather than cover the material chronologically, over the course of the four days, this seminar will examine the history of the African-American struggle for freedom from four angles: the struggle from above (de cima), the struggle from below (de baixo), the international struggle (internacional), and the struggle over memory (memória).

Class I: Black Liberation from Above/ libertação negra de cima
How has the US government helped (or hindered) civil rights over time? What role have the courts, the military, the President, and the Congress played in advancing the cause of black freedom, and why? We will begin with the debate over Lincoln and emancipation during the Civil War, and continue through the 1960s.

Class II: Black Liberation from Below/ libertação negra a partir de baixo
This class will look at the actions of Black people themselves in advancing the cause of freedom, from emancipation through Black Power. What kind of organizational forms has the struggle in different periods taken? Who were its leaders and allies? What kind of tactics were feasible at different moments, including non-violence and violence? What were the goals—integration or Black nationalism—and why?

Class III: Black Liberation on the International Stage/ libertação negra no palco internacional
What kind of international influences and allies did the Black Liberation and civil rights struggles in the estados unidos draw on? How did international events—such as the anticolonial struggles in Africa, Asia and Latin America—impact civil rights struggles in the US? How did activists in the US understand their relationship to those struggles?

Class IV: The Struggle Over Memory in the Age of Obama and Trump/ A luta sobre a memória na era de Obama e Trump
Over the last decade, North Americans have grappled with the question of how to memorialize histories of racial conflict and trauma. From Confederate monuments, to civil rights museums, to memorials for victims of racial violence, the memory of the struggle for racial justice has become a terrain of conflict in the USA. This final class will explore those contested sites of memory.

I am quite excited about the opportunity to return to FFLCH and work again with the team at CCINT to make this curso a reality. I hope you are able to invite me again.

Carga Horária:

12 horas
Tipo: Obrigatória
Vagas oferecidas: 60
Ministrantes: Alexander Crawford Lichtenstein


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