Disciplina Discipline 8035743
Metodologias e Dinâmica do Ensino em Odontologia

Methodologies and Dynamic Learning Strategies in Dentistry

Área de Concentração: 58135

Concentration area: 58135

Criação: 04/03/2020

Creation: 04/03/2020

Ativação: 30/09/2020

Activation: 30/09/2020

Nr. de Créditos: 2

Credits: 2

Carga Horária:



(por semana)




(por semana)




(por semana)



Duração Duration Total Total
2 2 2 5 semanas 5 weeks 30 horas 30 hours

Docente Responsável:


Luiz Carlos Pardini


Desenvolver os conhecimentos didáticos e científicos relacionado aos materiais e métodos de ensino e aprendizado na área da saúde: Odontologia. Paralelamente, capacitar o aluno (educando) nas atividades cognitivas: citar, enumerar, reconhecer e aplicar os instrumentos instrucionais pedagógicos facilitadores da Didática (Técnicas de Aprendizado ). Ao final da disciplina o aluno deverá ser capaz de organizar, descrever, formular, explicar e explicitar os princípios e meios que norteiam as Metodologias e Dinâmicas do Ensinos em Odontologia


To develop strategic insights and scientific knowledge related to teaching and learning materials and methods in the health field: Dentistry. At the same time, empower the student (educating) in cognitive activities: quote, enumerate, recognize and apply the pedagogical instructional instruments that facilitate Didactics (Learning Techniques). At the end of the course the student should be able to organize, describe, formulate, explain and explain the principles and means that guide the Methodologies and Dynamics Learning Strategies in Dentistry


A missão é conscientizar o aluno (Aluno - Futuro profissional da área da saúde) quanto a aplicabilidade dos meios e materiais pedagógicos disponíveis (convencional e/ou inovadores). O Pós-Graduando utilizará a comuncação tendo como Público Aluno: Alunos (Receptores da mensagem e, entre estes existem os que tem nuances de entendimento e ritmos de aprendizados diferentes). É fundamental o que professor (Educador) esteja atento e seja o facilitador da Educação (Ensino e Aprendizado).


The mission is to make the student (Student - Future professional in the health area) aware of the applicability of the available educational means and materials (conventional and / or innovative). The Graduate Student will use the communication with students as the Audience: Students (Receivers of the message and, among these there are those who have nuances of understanding and different learning rates). It is essential that the teacher (Educator) is attentive and is the facilitator of Education (Teaching and Learning).


1- Comunicação: Conceitos Básicos: 2. Teoria da Comunicação (Elementos) 2.1. Professor (Educador), 2.2. Aluno (Aprendiz). . 3- Metodologia de Ensino: 3.1. Processos de Abordagens (Condutas e Procedimetntos): Tradicionais e Inovadores. 4- Técnicas de Ensino: 4.1. Público- Alvo (Assistência / Grupo): Grande e Pequeno. 5- Análise Crítica do Ensino Superior (Odontologia) 6. Disciplina (Construção, Montagem e Estruturação): Atividades Teóricas e Práticas - 7. Sala de Aula: Definição, Importância, Planejamento (Cronograma), Objetivos Gerais e Específicos. Avaliação 8. Temas:Núcleos Geradores de Fórum Discussão, 9. Instrumentos Instrucionais Pedagógicos: Apostila, Livros, Periódicos e Multimeios. 9. Dinâmica de Apresentação: Introdução, Desenvolvimento e Conclusão. 10. Método de Avaliação ("feedback"): Aula e Professor.


1- Communication: Basic Concepts: 2. Theory of Communication (Elements) 2.1. Teacher (Educator), 2.2. Student (Apprentice). . 3- Teaching Methodology: 3.1. Approach Processes (Conducts and Procedures): Traditional and Innovative. 4- Teaching Techniques: 4.1. Target Audience (Assistance / Group): Large and Small. 5- Critical Analysis of Higher Education (Dentistry) 6. Discipline (Construction, Assembly and Structuring): Theoretical and Practical Activities - 7. Classroom: Definition, Importance, Planning (Schedule), General and Specific Objectives. Assessment 8. Themes: Forum-Generating Nucleus Discussion, 9. Pedagogical Instructional Instruments: Handout, Books, Journals and Multimedia. 9. Presentation Dynamics: Introduction, Development and Conclusion. 10. Evaluation Method ("feedback"): Class and Teacher.

Forma de Avaliação:

1.Participação nas atividades em Sala de Aula relacionadas com o Ensino e Aprendizado (Individual e Equipe) 2.Confecção e Entrega de Relatório Final

Type of Assessment:

1.Participation in Classroom activities related to Teaching and Learning (Individual and Team) 2.Preparation and Delivery of Final Activities Report


BOUHUIJS et al. Problem based learning and educational strategy. Network Publications, 32p., 2003. CERVALLOS-TORRES,L.; BOTTO-TOBAR, M. Problem-Based Learning: A Didactic Strategy in the Teaching of System Simulation, Springer, 2018 CONSOLARO, A. O. "Ser" Professor. Arte e Ciência no Ensinar e Aprender. 5ª.ed. Maringá: Dental Press, 238p. 2011 DAHAMA, O. P. Education and Communication for Development, Oxford & IBH Publishing Company, 734p. 2019 DANIELS, K. et al. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Perspectives from a Business School. Editora Edward Elgar, 255p. 2019 BLAZ, D. Differentiated Assessment for Middle and High School Classrooms. Editora aylor & Francis Group, 192p. 2017 JENSEN, A..A.; STENTOFT, ‎D.; ‎RAVN, Ole.Interdisciplinarity and Problem-Based Learning in Higher Education. Springer. 211p., 2019 KROGERUS, M; TSCHAPPELER, R.The Communication Book: 44 Ideas for Better Conversations Every Day: 50 Ideas for Better Conversation Every Day, Editora: Portfolio Penguin, 213p, 2018 LEUX, E.; LUOTO, P. A Practical Guide to Problem-Based Learning, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall. 134p., 2000. MALICK, S. M. et al. Is evidence-based medicine teaching and learning directed at improving practice? J R Soc Med. 103(6): 231–238, 2010. MUTHUMARI, P., CHINNASAMY, K. User Orientation for Academic Library in Digital Era. International Journal of Library Science Research. 3(1)1-4. 2014. MUTHUMARI, P., CHINNASAMY, K. Global Information Literacy in Academic Library. International Journal of Library & Information Science 4(5), 18-23, 2014. POLYZOIS, I, CLAFFEY N, MATTEOS, N. Problem-based learning in academic health education. A systematic literature review. Eur J Dent Educ. 2010 Feb;14(1):55-64. RAMIRES, J.AF. Didática para todos - Técnicas e estratégias. Editora Atheneu, 84p. 2008.. SIVAKUMAR, N.; TAMILSELVAN, N. Problems and Solutions for Digital Preservation. International Journal of Library & Information Science. 3(2) 54-58, 2014. SOUZA, M.I.C, et al. Utilização do ensino à distância como ferramenta de capacitação e formação para técnico em saúde bucal. Revista da ABENO 13(2): 27-33, 2013 STANGER-HALL K et al. Facilitating Learning in Large Lecture Classes: Testing the “Teaching Team” Approach to Peer Learning, Sci Educ. 9(4): 489–503. 2010. WATANABE, P.C; PARDINI, L.C. Radiologia Básica (Odontologia), Vinte Anos de Experiência no Ensino Baseado em Problemas Modificado (EPBM). Rev. Grad. USP, 2(3): 63-74, 2017 Fórum de Discussão: Livros Textos, Periódicos (Impresso e Onlie) serão indicados em conformidade com as necessidades que surgirem, no transcorrer das atividades pedagógics da disciplina, mediante a atualização da literatura.


BOUHUIJS et al. Problem based learning and educational strategy. Network Publications, 32p., 2003. CERVALLOS-TORRES,L.; BOTTO-TOBAR, M. Problem-Based Learning: A Didactic Strategy in the Teaching of System Simulation, Springer, 2018 CONSOLARO, A. O "Ser" Professor. Arte e Ciência no Ensinar e Aprender. 5. ed. Maringá: Dental Press, 238p. 2011 DAHAMA, O. P. Education and Communication for Development, Oxford & IBH Publishing Company, 734p. 2019 DANIELS, K. et al. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Perspectives from a Business School. Editora Edward Elgar, 255p. 2019 BLAZ, D. Differentiated Assessment for Middle and High School Classrooms. Editora aylor & Francis Group, 192p. 2017 JENSEN A.A.; STENTOFT, ‎D.; ‎RAVN, Ole.Interdisciplinarity and Problem-Based Learning in Higher Education. Springer. 211p., 2019 KROGERUS, M; TSCHAPPELER, R.The Communication Book: 44 Ideas for Better Conversations Every Day: 50 Ideas for Better Conversation Every Day , Editora: Portfolio Penguin, 213p, 2018 LEUX, E.; LUOTO, P. A Practical Guide to Problem-Based Learning, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall. 134p., 2000. MALICK, S. M. et al. Is evidence-based medicine teaching and learning directed at improving practice? J R Soc Med. 103(6): 231–238, 2010. MUTHUMARI, P., CHINNASAMY, K. User Orientation for Academic Library in Digital Era. International Journal of Library Science Research. 3(1)1-4. 2014. MUTHUMARI, P., CHINNASAMY, K. Global Information Literacy in Academic Library. International Journal of Library & Information Science 4(5), 18-23, 2014. POLYZOIS, I, CLAFFEY N, MATTEOS, N. Problem-based learning in academic health education. A systematic literature review. Eur J Dent Educ. 2010 Feb;14(1):55-64. RAMIRES, J.AF. Didática para todos - Técnicas e estratégias. Editora Atheneu, 2008. 84p. SIVAKUMAR, N.; TAMILSELVAN, N. Problems and Solutions for Digital Preservation. International Journal of Library & Information Science. 3(2) 54-58, 2014. SOUZA, M.I.C, RENDEIRO M, Jorge RR, Maia KD, Monnerat ABL, Ritto MRS. Utilização do ensino à distância como ferramenta de capacitação e formação para técnico em saúde bucal. Revista da ABENO 13(2): 27-33, 2013 STANGER-HALL K et al. Facilitating Learning in Large Lecture Classes: Testing the “Teaching Team” Approach to Peer Learning, Sci Educ. 9(4): 489–503. 2010. WATANABE, P.C; PARDINI, L.C. Radiologia Básica (Odontologia), Vinte Anos de Experiência no Ensino Baseado em Problemas Modificado (EPBM). Rev. Grad. USP, 2(3): 63-74, 2017. Discussion Forum: Textbooks, Periodicals (Print and Onlie) will be indicated in accordance with the needs that arise, during the course's pedagogical activities, by updating the literature.

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