Disciplina Discipline MAC6909
Empreendedorismo Digital

Digital Entrepreneurship

Área de Concentração: 45134

Concentration area: 45134

Criação: 10/11/2022

Creation: 10/11/2022

Ativação: 10/11/2022

Activation: 10/11/2022

Nr. de Créditos: 8

Credits: 8

Carga Horária:



(por semana)




(por semana)




(por semana)



Duração Duration Total Total
2 4 4 12 semanas 12 weeks 120 horas 120 hours

Docentes Responsáveis:


Flavio Soares Correa da Silva

Fabio Kon


Apresentar os conceitos básicos relacionados ao empreendedorismo com foco em inovação tecnológica e startups de software e internet. Incentivar o espírito empreendedor em alunos de Ciência da Computação e demais interessados em inovação tecnológica em torno de software. Ao fim da disciplina, o aluno deve ser capaz de refletir sobre as possibilidades de criação de um negócio sustentável a partir de uma ideia tecnológica inovadora.


To present the basic concepts of entrepreneurship with a focus on technological innovation in addition to software and internet startups. To encourage the entrepreneurial spirit in Computer Science students and others interested in technological innovation around software. At the end of the course, students should be able to reflect on the possibilities of creating a sustainable business from an innovative technological idea.


O empreendedorismo de um povo tem um papel importante no desenvolvimento econômico e social de um país. No século 21, com a consolidação da era do conhecimento, o empreendedorismo de natureza tecnológica, em particular aquele relacionado ao software e negócios em torno da internet tem se tornado cada vez mais importante. Esta disciplina propicia ao aluno um primeiro contato com conceitos e técnicas relacionadas ao empreendedorismo de modo a facilitar o entendimento dos desafios que se colocam na área. Como resultado, espera-se incentivar o espírito empreendedor daqueles alunos que desejem envolver-se em inovação tecnológica. Para tanto, o programa da disciplina aborda (1) questões técnicas relacionadas à Ciência da Computação e ao desenvolvimento de software, (2) questões relacionadas à gestão de inovação e desenvolvimento de negócios e (3) questões relacionadas à ética e à inserção na sociedade e na economia. O método de ensino consiste de aulas expositivas, seminários proferidos pelos alunos, palestras de convidados da indústria e especialistas, atividades participativas em sala de aula e exercícios e projetos de desenvolvimento de negócio fora da sala de aula.


A people’s entrepreneurship plays an important role in the economic and social development of a country. In the 21st century, with the consolidation of the age of knowledge, entrepreneurial projects of a technological nature, in particular those related to software and business around the internet, have become increasingly important. That said, this course aims to provide students with a first contact with concepts and techniques related to entrepreneurship to facilitate the understanding of the challenges that arise in the area. As a result, we expect to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit of those students who wish to get involved in technological innovation. To this end, the course program addresses (1) technical issues related to Computer Science and software development, (2) issues related to innovation management and business development, and (3) issues related to ethics and to the insertion into society and in the economy. The teaching method consists of lectures, seminars delivered by students, guest lectures by industry professionals and experts, participatory classroom activities and exercises, and business development projects outside the classroom.


1. Empreendedorismo em startups, pequenas e grandes empresas, governo e ONGs. 2. Métodos ágeis de desenvolvimento de software e técnicas de programação para inovação tecnológica 3. Descoberta de clientes, desenvolvimento de clientes e desenvolvimento de produtos 4. Startup enxuta 5. Design Thinking 6. Uso de software livre por startups e startups de software livre 7. Ecossistema do empreendedorismo e o perfil empreendedor 8. Ambiente institucional e legal para empresas no Brasil 9. Modelos de Negócio, Business Canvas e Lean Canvas 10. Planos de Negócio 11. Financiamento público e privado 12. Propriedade intelectual e patentes 13. Sustentabilidade e empreendedorismo social 14. O papel do empreendedorismo na sociedade e economia


1. Entrepreneurship in startups, small and large companies, the government and NGOs. 2. Agile software development methods and programming techniques for technological innovation 3. Customer Discovery, Customer Development, and Product Development 4. Lean Startup 5. Design Thinking 6. Use of open source software by startups and open source software startups 7. Entrepreneurship ecosystem and the entrepreneurial profile 8. Institutional and legal environment for companies in Brazil 9. Business Models, Business Canvas and Lean Canvas 10. Business Plans 11. Public and private financing 12. Intellectual property and patents 13. Ethics, sustainability, and social entrepreneurship 14. The role of entrepreneurship in society and economy

Forma de Avaliação:

Método: Notas dadas a atividades em sala de aula, trabalhos escritos, projetos de desenvolvimento de negócio e seminários. Critério: Média ponderada de trabalhos e seminários.

Type of Assessment:

Teaching Methods: Grades will be given to classroom activities, written assignments, business development projects and seminars. Criterion: Weighted average of papers and seminars.


Importante: Esta disciplina destina-se a alunos que já possuem conhecimento de programação e experiência em desenvolvimento de software.


Important: This course is intended for students who already have some programming knowledge and software development experience.


[Blank 2005] Steven Blank. The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products that Win. Cafepress.com. 2005. [Blank 2012] Steven Blank, Bob Dorf. The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company. K & S Ranch. 2012. [Cockburn 2002] Alistair Cockburn. Agile Software Development. Addison-Wesley. 2002. [Goldberg 2012] Uri Goldberg. What's Next For The Startup Nation? A Blueprint For Sustainable Innovation. AuthorHouse. 2012. [Goldman 2005] Ron Goldman, Richard P. Gabriel. Innovation Happens Elsewhere: Open Source as Business Strategy. Morgan Kaufmann. 2005. [Lockwood 2010] Thomas Lockwood. Design Thinking: Integrating Innovation, Customer Experience, and Brand Value. Allworth Press. 2010. [Osterwalder 2010] Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Wiley. 2010. [Ries 2011] Eric Ries. The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. Crown Business. 2011. [SOFTEX 2012] The Brazilian Association for the Promotion of Brazilian Software Excellence – SOFTEX. Software and IT Services: The Brazilian Industry in Perspective. 2012. [Senor 2009] Dan Senor, Saul Singer. Start-up nation: the story of Israel's economic miracle. Grande Central Publishing, New York, 2009. [Maital 2012] Shlomo Maital and D. V. R. Sheshadri. Innovation Management. 2nd Edition. SAGE Publications, 2012.


[Blank 2005] Steven Blank. The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products that Win. Cafepress.com. 2005. [Blank 2012] Steven Blank, Bob Dorf. The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company. K & S Ranch. 2012. [Cockburn 2002] Alistair Cockburn. Agile Software Development. Addison-Wesley. 2002. [Goldberg 2012] Uri Goldberg. What's Next For The Startup Nation? A Blueprint For Sustainable Innovation. AuthorHouse. 2012. [Goldman 2005] Ron Goldman, Richard P. Gabriel. Innovation Happens Elsewhere: Open Source as Business Strategy. Morgan Kaufmann. 2005. [Lockwood 2010] Thomas Lockwood. Design Thinking: Integrating Innovation, Customer Experience, and Brand Value. Allworth Press. 2010. [Osterwalder 2010] Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur. Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Wiley. 2010. [Ries 2011] Eric Ries. The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. Crown Business. 2011. [SOFTEX 2012] The Brazilian Association for the Promotion of Brazilian Software Excellence – SOFTEX. Software and IT Services: The Brazilian Industry in Perspective. 2012. [Senor 2009] Dan Senor, Saul Singer. Start-up nation: the story of Israel's economic miracle. Grande Central Publishing, New York, 2009. [Maital 2012] Shlomo Maital and D. V. R. Sheshadri. Innovation Management. 2nd Edition. SAGE Publications, 2012.

Tipo de oferecimento da disciplina:


Class type:
