Área de Concentração: 3136
Concentration area: 3136
Criação: 06/07/2021
Creation: 06/07/2021
Ativação: 06/07/2021
Activation: 06/07/2021
Nr. de Créditos: 8
Credits: 8
Carga Horária:
Teórica (por semana) |
Theory (weekly) |
Prática (por semana) |
Practice (weekly) |
Estudos (por semana) |
Study (weekly) |
Duração | Duration | Total | Total |
4 | 0 | 6 | 12 semanas | 12 weeks | 120 horas | 120 hours |
Docente Responsável:
Marly Monteiro de Carvalho
O curso visa apresentar os principais aspectos relativos à gestão de projeto, nas várias abordagens tradicional, ágil e híbrida. A disciplina tem o objetivo de abordar o tema tendo como unidade de análise tanto a organização, estrutura, modelos de maturidade e portfólio, quanto o projeto, discutindo conceitos, métodos e técnicas, com o intuito de fornecer ao participante uma visão ampla do tema.
The course aims to present the main aspects of project management (PM) in the traditional, agile, and hybrid approaches. The course aims to address the PM organizational side, structure, maturity, portfolio models, and the project side, discussing concepts, methods, tools, and techniques to provide a broad view of the topic.
Identificar quais competências uma empresa precisa construir para ganhar uma vantagem competitiva num mercado em constante mutação é uma tarefa árdua. Contudo, a capacidade de inovar parece ser consenso cenário competitivo como fator crítico de sucesso. A atividade de projeto é vital para aqueles negócios que pretendem competir com base inovação. Em consonância com estas demandas, a área de gerenciamento de projetos tem se dedicado a discutir e desenvolver ferramentas e métodos para suportar a atividade inovadora. Os processos de inovação envolvem competências no âmbito dos indivíduos, equipes, e empresas e, nas inovações mais complexas, nos ecossistema e parcerias estratégicas. Nas últimas décadas a gestão de projetos consolidou-se não só no ambiente empresarial e profissional, mas também no acadêmico. A comunidade de profissionais e pesquisadores interessados na área tem crescido na mesma proporção em que a inovação assumiu papel preponderante no cenário competitivo. No caso brasileiro, destaca-se ainda o aumento de projetos complexos de infraestrutura e de engenharia, o fenômeno das startups, e que demandam metodologia de gerenciamento robusta.
Identifying which competencies a company needs to build to gain a competitive advantage in a constantly changing market is an arduous task. However, innovating seems to be a consensus in the competitive scene as a critical success factor. The project activity is vital for those businesses that intend to compete based on innovation. In line with these demands, the project management area has been dedicated to discussing and developing tools and methods to support innovative activity. Innovation processes involve competencies at individuals, teams, and companies levels and, in the most complex innovations, ecosystems, and strategic partnerships. In recent decades, project management has been consolidated not only in the business and professional environment but also in the academic environment. The community of professionals and researchers interested in the area has grown at the same rate that innovation has assumed a predominant role in the competitive scenario. The increase in complex infrastructure and engineering projects, startups' phenomenon, and demand for a robust management methodology stand out in the Brazilian case.
1. Introdução: plano geral do curso e visão dos principais construtos. 2. Sucesso em projetos e tipologias de projeto para construção de abordagens contingencias 3. Gestão de Projetos: Abordagem tradicional de Gestão de Projetos (BoKs), abordagem Ágil e Lean de Gestão de Projetos, e abordagens híbridas 4. Estruturas, Escritórios de gestão de Projetos e Projeto colaborativo 5. Gestão estratégica de projetos e gestão de portfólio 6. Competências e maturidade em Gestão de Projetos 7. Gestão de Stakeholders 8. Gestão de Comunicação e Gestão de Conhecimento em Projetos 9. Gestão de Riscos e Incertezas 10. Modelos de Gestão Ágil de Projeto 11. Sustentabilidade em Gestão de Projetos 12. Times virtuais, times globais virtuais, times culturalmente diversos
1. Introduction: the general plan of the course and overview of the main constructs. 2. Project success and project typologies for building contingency approaches 3. Project Management: Traditional Project Management Approach (BoKs), Agile and Lean Project Management Approach, and Hybrid Approaches 4. Project Organizational Structures, Project Management Offices, and Collaborative Projects 5. Strategic project management and portfolio management 6. Competences and maturity in Project Management 7. Stakeholder Management 8. Project Communication Management and Knowledge Management 9. Risk and Uncertainty Management 10. Agile Project Management Models 11. Sustainability in Project Management 12. Virtual teams and global virtual teams Type of Assessment: Weekly readings. Development of a manuscript focused in one of the course topics.
Forma de Avaliação:
Leituras semanais e apresentação de seminário. Manuscrito sobre uma das temáticas do curso.
Livro-texto Carvalho, M.M.; Rabechini Jr, R. Fundamentos em Gestão de Projetos: Construindo Competências para Gerenciar Projetos. São Paulo: Editora Atlas, 5ª edição, 2018. Bibliografia Complementar: Livros Carvalho, M.M. Inovação: estratégia e comunidades de conhecimento. São Paulo: Editora Atlas, 1ª edição, 2009, 161 p. Rabechini Jr, R.; Carvalho, M.M. (Org.) Gerenciamento de projeto na prática 2: casos brasileiros. São Paulo: Editora Atlas, 1ª edição, 2009, 250p. Rabechini Jr, R.; Carvalho, M.M. (Org.) Gerenciamento de projeto na prática: casos brasileiros. São Paulo: Editora Atlas, 1ª edição, 2007, 220p. Artigos Berssaneti, F.T., Carvalho, M.M. Identification of variables that impact project success in Brazilian companies. International Journal of Project Management, v. 33, p. 638-649, 2015. Brones, F.A., Carvalho, M.M. From 50 to 1: Integrating literature toward a systemic ecodesign model. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 96, p. 44-57, 2015. Brones, F.A., Carvalho, M.M., Zancul, E.S. Ecodesign in project management: A missing link for the integration of sustainability in product development?. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 80, p. 106-118, 2014. Brones, F.A., Carvalho, M.M., Zancul, E.S. Reviews, action and learning on change management for ecodesign transition. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 142, p. 8-22, 2017. Brones, F.A., Zancul, E.S., Carvalho, M.M. Insider Action Research towards companywide sustainable product innovation: Ecodesign Transition Framework. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, v. 14, p. 150-178, 2021. Buzzetto, R.R., Bauli, M.R., Carvalho, M.M. The key aspects of procurement in project management: investigating the effects of selection criteria, supplier integration and dynamics of acquisitions. Production, v. 30, p. e20190112, 2020. Carvalho, M.M. An investigation of the role of communication in IT projects. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, v. 34, p. 36-64, 2014. Carvalho, M.M., Patah, L.A., Bido, D.S. . Project management and its effects on project success: Cross-country and cross-industry comparisons. International Journal of Project Management, v. 33, p. 1509-1522, 2015. Carvalho, M.M., Rabechini Jr, R. Can project sustainability management impact project success? An empirical study applying a contingent approach. International Journal of Project Management, v. 35, p. 1120-1132, 2017. Dutra, Camila Costa, Ribeiro, J.L.D., Carvalho, M.M. An economic-probabilistic model for project selection and prioritization. International Journal of Project Management, v. 32, p. 1042-1055, 2014. Ferrer, P.S.S., Galvão, G.D.A., Carvalho, M.M. Tensions between compliance, internal controls and ethics in the domain of project governance. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, v. 13, p. 845-865, 2020. Ferrer, P.S.S., Galvão, G.D.A., Carvalho, M.M. The Missing Link in Project Governance: Permeability and Influence of Governance Precepts on Decision Making in the Project Domain. Project Management Journal, v. 52, p. 45-60, 2021. Fleury, A.L., Stabile, H., Carvalho, M.M. An Overview of the Literature on Design Thinking: Trends and Contributions. International Journal of Engineering Education, v. 32, p. 1704-1718, 2016. Franco, E.F., Hirama, K., Carvalho, M.M. Applying system dynamics approach in software and information system projects: A mapping study. Information and Software Technology, v. 93, p. 58-73, 2018. Lopes, A.P.V.B.V., Carvalho, M.M. Evolution of the open innovation paradigm: Towards a contingent conceptual model. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, v. 132, p. 284-298, 2018. Lopes, Ana Paula Villas Boas Vi, Ferrarese, Andre, Carvalho, M.M. Collaboration, competition and innovation: a consortium of tribology in the automotive sector. Produção (São Paulo), v. 29, p. 1-14, 2019. Malucelli, G., Barbosa, M.T.J., Carvalho, M.M. Facing the challenge of improvisation in project management: a critical review. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, v. 14, p. 369-389, 2019. Marcondes, G.A.B., Leme, R.C., Carvalho, M.M. Framework for Integrated Project Portfolio Selection and Adjustment. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Manage, v. 66, p. 677-688, 2019. Martens, M.L., Carvalho, M.M. Key factors of sustainability in project management context: A survey exploring the project managers' perspective. International Journal of Project Management, v. 35, p. 1084-1102, 2017. Martens, M.L., Carvalho, M.M. Sustainability and Success Variables in the Project Management Context: An Expert Panel. Project Management Journal, v. 47, p. 24-43, 2016. Martens, M.L., Carvalho, M.M. The challenge of introducing sustainability into project management function: multiple-case studies. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 117, p. 29-40, 2015. Marzagão, D.S.L., Carvalho, M.M. . Critical success factors for Six Sigma projects. International Journal of Project Management, v. 34, p. 1505-1518, 2016. Marzagão, D.S.L., Carvalho, M.M. The influence of project leaders? behavioral competencies on the performance of Six Sigma projects. Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios (ONLINE), v. 18, p. 609-632, 2016. Padovani, M., Carvalho, M.M. Integrated PPM Process: Scale Development and Validation. International Journal of Project Management, v. 34, p. 627-642, 2016. Pech, G., Baptistucci, C., Carvalho, M.M. Experts? Engagement in Risk Analysis: A Model Merging Analytic Hierarchy Process and Monte Carlo Simulation. Journal of Modern Project Management, v. 6, p. 9-19, 2018. Reis, D.A., Fleury, A.L., Carvalho, M.M.. Toward a Recursive Stage-Based Framework for Supporting Startup Business Initiation: An Exploratory Study With Entrepreneurs. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, v. 68, p. 999-1013, 2021. Takey, S.M., Carvalho, M.M. Fuzzy front end of systemic innovations: A conceptual framework based on a systematic literature review. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, v. 111, p. 97-109, 2016. Takey, S.M., Carvalho, M.M.. Competency mapping in project management: An action research study in an engineering company. International Journal of Project Management, v. 33, p. 784-796, 2015. Vale, J.W.S.P., Nunes, B., Carvalho, M.M. Project Managers? Competences. Project Management Journal, v. 49, p. 82-97, 2018. Artigos diversos dos seguintes periódicos acadêmicos: International Journal of Project Management; Project Management Journal; International Journal of Managing Projects in Business; Technovation, International Journal of Innovation Management; IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; Journal of Engineering and Technology Management; Research Policy; R&D Management, entre outros.
Textbook Carvalho, M.M.; Rabechini Jr, R. Fundamentos em Gestão de Projetos: Construindo Competências para Gerenciar Projetos. São Paulo: Editora Atlas, 5ª edição, 2018. Bibliografia Complementar: Books Carvalho, M.M. Inovação: estratégia e comunidades de conhecimento. São Paulo: Editora Atlas, 1ª edição, 2009, 161 p. Rabechini Jr, R.; Carvalho, M.M. (Org.) Gerenciamento de projeto na prática 2: casos brasileiros. São Paulo: Editora Atlas, 1ª edição, 2009, 250p. Rabechini Jr, R.; Carvalho, M.M. (Org.) Gerenciamento de projeto na prática: casos brasileiros. São Paulo: Editora Atlas, 1ª edição, 2007, 220p. Articles Berssaneti, F.T., Carvalho, M.M. Identification of variables that impact project success in Brazilian companies. International Journal of Project Management, v. 33, p. 638-649, 2015. Brones, F.A., Carvalho, M.M. From 50 to 1: Integrating literature toward a systemic ecodesign model. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 96, p. 44-57, 2015. Brones, F.A., Carvalho, M.M., Zancul, E.S. Ecodesign in project management: A missing link for the integration of sustainability in product development?. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 80, p. 106-118, 2014. Brones, F.A., Carvalho, M.M., Zancul, E.S. Reviews, action and learning on change management for ecodesign transition. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 142, p. 8-22, 2017. Brones, F.A., Zancul, E.S., Carvalho, M.M. Insider Action Research towards companywide sustainable product innovation: Ecodesign Transition Framework. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, v. 14, p. 150-178, 2021. Buzzetto, R.R., Bauli, M.R., Carvalho, M.M. The key aspects of procurement in project management: investigating the effects of selection criteria, supplier integration and dynamics of acquisitions. Production, v. 30, p. e20190112, 2020. Carvalho, M.M. An investigation of the role of communication in IT projects. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, v. 34, p. 36-64, 2014. Carvalho, M.M., Patah, L.A., Bido, D.S. . Project management and its effects on project success: Cross-country and cross-industry comparisons. International Journal of Project Management, v. 33, p. 1509-1522, 2015. Carvalho, M.M., Rabechini Jr, R. Can project sustainability management impact project success? An empirical study applying a contingent approach. International Journal of Project Management, v. 35, p. 1120-1132, 2017. Dutra, Camila Costa, Ribeiro, J.L.D., Carvalho, M.M. An economic-probabilistic model for project selection and prioritization. International Journal of Project Management, v. 32, p. 1042-1055, 2014. Ferrer, P.S.S., Galvão, G.D.A., Carvalho, M.M. Tensions between compliance, internal controls and ethics in the domain of project governance. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, v. 13, p. 845-865, 2020. Ferrer, P.S.S., Galvão, G.D.A., Carvalho, M.M. The Missing Link in Project Governance: Permeability and Influence of Governance Precepts on Decision Making in the Project Domain. Project Management Journal, v. 52, p. 45-60, 2021. Fleury, A.L., Stabile, H., Carvalho, M.M. An Overview of the Literature on Design Thinking: Trends and Contributions. International Journal of Engineering Education, v. 32, p. 1704-1718, 2016. Franco, E.F., Hirama, K., Carvalho, M.M. Applying system dynamics approach in software and information system projects: A mapping study. Information and Software Technology, v. 93, p. 58-73, 2018. Lopes, A.P.V.B.V., Carvalho, M.M. Evolution of the open innovation paradigm: Towards a contingent conceptual model. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, v. 132, p. 284-298, 2018. Lopes, Ana Paula Villas Boas Vi, Ferrarese, Andre, Carvalho, M.M. Collaboration, competition and innovation: a consortium of tribology in the automotive sector. Produção (São Paulo), v. 29, p. 1-14, 2019. Malucelli, G., Barbosa, M.T.J., Carvalho, M.M. Facing the challenge of improvisation in project management: a critical review. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, v. 14, p. 369-389, 2019. Marcondes, G.A.B., Leme, R.C., Carvalho, M.M. Framework for Integrated Project Portfolio Selection and Adjustment. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Manage, v. 66, p. 677-688, 2019. Martens, M.L., Carvalho, M.M. Key factors of sustainability in project management context: A survey exploring the project managers' perspective. International Journal of Project Management, v. 35, p. 1084-1102, 2017. Martens, M.L., Carvalho, M.M. Sustainability and Success Variables in the Project Management Context: An Expert Panel. Project Management Journal, v. 47, p. 24-43, 2016. Martens, M.L., Carvalho, M.M. The challenge of introducing sustainability into project management function: multiple-case studies. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 117, p. 29-40, 2015. Marzagão, D.S.L., Carvalho, M.M. . Critical success factors for Six Sigma projects. International Journal of Project Management, v. 34, p. 1505-1518, 2016. Marzagão, D.S.L., Carvalho, M.M. The influence of project leaders? behavioral competencies on the performance of Six Sigma projects. Revista Brasileira De Gestão De Negócios (ONLINE), v. 18, p. 609-632, 2016. Padovani, M., Carvalho, M.M. Integrated PPM Process: Scale Development and Validation. International Journal of Project Management, v. 34, p. 627-642, 2016. Pech, G., Baptistucci, C., Carvalho, M.M. Experts? Engagement in Risk Analysis: A Model Merging Analytic Hierarchy Process and Monte Carlo Simulation. Journal of Modern Project Management, v. 6, p. 9-19, 2018. Reis, D.A., Fleury, A.L., Carvalho, M.M.. Toward a Recursive Stage-Based Framework for Supporting Startup Business Initiation: An Exploratory Study With Entrepreneurs. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, v. 68, p. 999-1013, 2021. Takey, S.M., Carvalho, M.M. Fuzzy front end of systemic innovations: A conceptual framework based on a systematic literature review. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, v. 111, p. 97-109, 2016. Takey, S.M., Carvalho, M.M.. Competency mapping in project management: An action research study in an engineering company. International Journal of Project Management, v. 33, p. 784-796, 2015. Vale, J.W.S.P., Nunes, B., Carvalho, M.M. Project Managers? Competences. Project Management Journal, v. 49, p. 82-97, 2018. Articles from indexed journals: International Journal of Project Management; Project Management Journal; International Journal of Managing Projects in Business; Technovation, International Journal of Innovation Management; IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; Journal of Engineering and Technology Management; Research Policy; R&D Management, among others.
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