School Code Name Syllabus Class
FFCLRP 5915702 Physics in Medicine and Biology
FFCLRP 5915752 Physics of Semiconductor Devices
FFCLRP 5915772 Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
FFCLRP 5915775 Thermodynamics of Biological Molecules
FFCLRP 5915780 Monte Carlo Simulation Applied to Radiation Therapy
FCFRP 6025774 Delivery Systems for the Nasal, Ocular, Pulmonary, and Other Mucous Pathways
FCFRP 6046032 Topics in Biosciences and Biotechnology II
FCFRP 6046035 Seminars in Biosciences and Biotecnology
FORP 8055742 Cone Beam Computed Tomography Applied to Oral Rehabilitation
IAG AGA5720 Perturbations Theory I
IAG AGA5731 Radiative Processes
IAG AGA5816 Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy
IB BIB5733 Topics in Phytochemistry I
IB BIB5755 Phycological Topics
IB BIO5794 Cell Signaling
ICB BMI5862 Seminars in Immunology I
ICB BMI5864 Cell Death and the Immune System
ICB BMI5904 Molecular Recognition by the Immune System
ICB BMI5905 Effector Mechanisms of the Immune System
ICB BMI5908 Immunopathologies
ICB BMI5914 Immunowebinars I
ICB BMI5916 Immune System in Envenomingby Venomous Animals: Mechanisms Involved
ICB BMP5735 Seminars in Parasitology I
ICB BMP5785 Molecular Biology of Plasmodium falciparum: A Practical Course
ICB BMP5795 Critical Reading and Scientific Assessment of Research Articles and Pre-Prints
ICB BMP5796 Basic Principles and Techniques for Studying Macrophage Biological Processes
CENA CEN5740 Using Nuclear and Related Techniques in Agriculture Productivity Studies
FD DEF5922 Trends in International Taxation
FD DFD5905 Contemporary Themes and Readings in Legal Theory
FAU DSG5025 Design writings: preparing texts for international publications
FEA EAD5715 Strategic Planning
FEA EAD5871 Economics of Industrial Innovation
FEA EAD5964 Enterprise Risk Management
FEA EAD6033 Contemporary Careers: Concepts and Models
FEA EAD6059 Business Analytics
FEA EAE6051 Spatial Econometrics II
FEA EAP5058 Scientific Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Ecologia Aplicada ECO5084 Innovative Extraction Strategies for Enhancing Sustainability to Food By-Products
FE EDM5222 Global Media Education
EEFERP EFR5030 Conceptual and Methdological Foundations of Eccentric Exercise Prescription
FCF FBC5757 Current Topics in Physiopathology and Toxicology II
FCF FBC5766 Current Topics in Physiopathology and Toxicology IV
FCF FBC5792 Current Topics in Physiopathology and Toxicology III
FCF FBC5793 Current Topics in Physiopathology and Toxicology I
FCF FBC5958 GPCR signaling and drug discovery
FFLCH FLG5144 Geography of Brazil´s Natural Resources
FFLCH FLL5183 Thinking Outside the Boxes in Linguistics and Sociology
FFLCH FLL5184 Formation of the Língua Geral Brasílica
FFLCH FLS6523 Survey Design and Analysis
IGc GSA5987 South Atlantic Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
Bioinformática IBI5765 Introdução à Linha de Comando Linux
ICB ICB5742 Neuroendocrine Regulation of Immunity
ICB ICB5750 Advanced Methods in Cell Biology
ICB ICB5765 Introduction to the Linux Command-Line
Bioenergia LBE5001 Fundamentals of Biomass Production
Bioenergia LBE6002 Industrial Crops and Products for Bioenergy
ESALQ LCF5900 Open and Reproducible Scientific Data Processing
ESALQ LZT5815 Feed Quality and Forage Conservation for Animals
IME MAE5703 Discrete probalistic models and their applications
IME MAE5704 Computational techniques for Probability and Statistics I
IME MAE5811 Advanced Probability I
IME MAE5870 Análise de Séries Temporais
FM MCM5851 Cancer Cell Biology
FM MCM5917 Scientific Publication in Medical Journals: A Survival Guide for Future Authors
FM MCM5919 Cancer Immunotherapy
FM MCM5952 Metabolism and Cancer
FM MCM5955 Molecular Bases Of Leukemogênesis
FM MCM5964 Cancer-Associated Cachexia
FM MCP5866 Seminars: Critical Analysis of Research Projects Developed in the Program - I
FM MPS5806 Social Psychiatry
FMRP NUT5722 Food safety: from microbiology to the social science
FO ODE5661 Clinical Research Seminars in Oral Medicine
FO ODO5747 Trends in Pediatric Dentistry: Technical-Scientific, Linguistic, and Academic Skills for an International Career
FO ODO5785 English for Oral Presentations and Academic Writing
FO ODP5790 Critical Analysis of Prosthodontic and Implant Dentistry Research
IEE PEN5045 An Introduction to Grid-Forming Converters in the Electric System’s Energy Transition Context
IF PGF5001 Quantum Mechanics I
IF PGF5002 Quantum Mechanics II
IF PGF5107 Quantum Field Theory I
IF PGF5358 Emergent Phenomena in Correlated Quantum Matter
IF PGF5412 String Theory
IF PGF5419 Phenomenology of Dark Matter
EP PME5011 Introduction to Continuum Mechanics
EP PME5204 Elastic-Plastic Behavior of Materials
EP PME5221 Multiphase Flow – Theory and Applications
EP PME5241 Reactive Systems for Energy Conversion: Optimization and Applications
EP PME5324 Fundamentals of wear
EP PMI5949 Computational Methods for Scientific
EP PMR5001 Mechanical Behavior of Materials: A Multiscale Approach
EP PMR5022 Introduction to Computational Geometry and Applications: Geometric Reconstruction, Evolutionary Optimization and Parallel Programming
EP PMR5215 Design Optimization Applied to Mechanical Systems
EP PMR5251 Assessment of Mechanical Behavior of Materials Using Machine Learning Approach
EP PMR5404 Optical Metrology
EP PMR5410 Nanotechnology I
EP PMR5414 Manufacturing-as-a-Service: A Service-Oriented Automation Approach
IRI PRI5081 The Changing Character of Conflict: Conflict in the Gray Zone
EP PRO5971 Statistical Process Monitoring
EP PRO5999 Work, Sustainability and Complexity
EP PRO6000 Sustainable Products, Operations and Supply Chains
IP PSE5984 Journal Club: Discussion of Articles and Research Projects in Evolutionary Psychology
IP PST5983 Mental Health, Diversity, and Social Inclusion in and out Higher Education Institutions.
IQ QBQ5759 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I
IQ QBQ5764 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II
IQ QBQ5765 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology III
IQ QBQ5766 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology IV
IQ QBQ5906 Scientific Writing
FEARP RAD5069 Leadership: Theory and Practice
FMRP RBP5767 Seminars in Cellular and Molecular Biology II
FMRP RBP5769 Seminars in Cellular and Molecular Biology IV
FMRP RBQ5734 Seminars on Biochemistry I
FMRP RBQ5744 Seminários de Bioquímica II
FMRP RDF5727 Strategies for Improving Presentations at Congresses and International Visibility in Scientific Research
FMRP RGO5865 Writing your Manuscript
EACH SCX5000 Mathematical and Computational Methods I
EESC SEM5795 Instability, transition and turbulence in fluids
EESC SEM5921 Instrumentation and Measurement Systems
EESC SEM5947 Partial Differential Equations and Complex Variable Functions
EESC SEM5952 Neural Networks and Machine Learning
IFSC SFI5818 Natural and Artificial Vision
IFSC SFI5871 Introduction to the Wavelet Transform and Applications
EESC SGS5877 Tópicos Especiais em Geotecnia-TEMÁTICA: Advanced Soil Reinforcement Techniques for Slope Stabilization and Erosion
FCF-ESALQ-FZEA SIA6005 Biotribologia aplicada à impressão 3-D de alimentos personalizados e materiais biomédicos
ICMC SMA5994 Topics in Symbol Correspondences for Spin Systems
ICMC SME5781 Applied Linear Algebra
ICMC SME5784 Numerical Methods for Differential Equations
ICMC SME5802 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
I P E N TNA5787 Management of Radioactive Wastes from the Application of Nuclear Technologies
FMVZ VCI5793 Reading, Understanding and Discussing Scientific Papers
FMVZ VCM5752 Bovine Production Medicine
FMVZ VPT5787 The Practice in Experimental Research of Tumors in Veterinary Medicine
FMVZ VRA5752 Special Topics in Equine Reproduction
131 disciplines found