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Instituto de Relações Internacionais
Bacharelado em Relações Internacionais
Disciplina: BRI0018 - Desenvolvimento Internacional
International Development

Créditos Aula: 4
Créditos Trabalho: 0
Carga Horária Total: 60 h
Tipo: Semestral
Ativação: 01/01/2018 Desativação:

A disciplina tratará de diversos temas relacionados a políticas de desenvolvimento. A intenção não é discutir profundamente cada um dos temas, mas oferecer uma introdução à discussão atual na literatura acadêmica. Serão tratadas questões de financiamento ao desenvolvimento e também relativas aos problemas políticos e econômicos que enfrentam os países pobres na sua trajetória de desenvolvimento.
Docente(s) Responsável(eis)
598407 - Adriana Schor
Programa Resumido
- Fundamentos econômicos e políticos do desenvolvimento.
- Ajuda externa: instituições bilaterais, multilaterais, ONGs, fundações privadas e cooperação sul-sul.
- Tópicos específicos: Comércio internacional, segurança alimentar, exploração de recursos naturais, conflitos, imigração.
- Experimentos randomizados e a nova microeconomia do desenvolvimento.
Desenvolvimento: fundamentos econômicos
Krugman, Paul (1994) “The Myth of Asia’s Miracle”. Foreign Affairs.
Ray, Debraj (1998) Development Economics. Princeton University Press. Capítulo 2.
Sen, Amartya (2000) Desenvolvimento como Liberdade. Cia das Letras. Capítulos 1 e 2.

Desenvolvimento: fundamentos políticos
Acemoglu, Daron e James Robinson (2012). Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty. Capítulo 7.
Robinson, James A. (2002). “States and Power in Africa by Jeffrey I. Herbst: A Review Essay.” Journal of Economic Literature 40(2): 510-519.
Spruyt, Hendrik (2002). “The origins, development, and possible decline of the modern state.” Annual Review of Political Science 5.1: 127-149.
Vu, Tuong (2010). “Studying the state through state formation.” World politics 62.01: 148-175.

Ajuda externa
Easterly, William (2008) "Introduction: Can’t Take It Anymore?" in Reinventing Foreign Aid, Easterly (ed). MIT Press.
Radelet, Steven (2006) "A Primer in Foreign Aid". Center for Global Development  Working Paper.
Sachs, Jeffrey (2014) "The case for aid". Foreign Policy.

O papel das organizações multilaterais: Banco Mundial e Fundo Monetário Internacional 
Easterly, William (2005) “What did structural adjustment adjust? The association of policies and growth with repeated IMF and World Bank adjustment loans”. Journal of Development Economics.
Ravallion, Martin (2016) “The World Bank: Why It Is Still Needed and Why It Still Disappoints”. Journal of Economic Perspectives.
Woods, Ngaire (2006) The Globalizers: the IMF, the World Bank, and their borrowers. Cornell University Press. Capítulos 1-3.

ONGs e fundações privadas
Easterly, William (2009) “Can the West Save Africa?” Journal of Economic Literature 47(2).
Moss, Todd, Gunilla Pettersson, e Nicolas Van de Walle (2006). “An aid-institutions paradox? A review essay on aid dependency and state building in sub-Saharan Africa.” Center for Global Development Working Paper 74.
Van de Walle, Nicolas (2001). African Economies and the Politics of Permanent Crisis, 1979-1999. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Capítulo 5.
Werker, Eric e Faisal Z. Ahmed (2008). “What Do Nongovernmental Organizations Do?” Journal of Economic Perspectives 22:2.

Cooperação sul-sul 
Quadir, Fahimul (2013) “Rising Donors and the New Narrative of ‘South–South’ Cooperation: what prospects for changing the landscape of development assistance programmes?” Third World Quarterly, 34:2, 321-338
Tambourgi, Patrícia (2017) O Sistema Humanitário Internacional No Século XXI: Os Doadores Não DAC e o Caso Brasileiro. Tese de doutorado. IRI-USP.

Comércio internacional 
Balwin, Richard (2000) “Trade and growth: still disagreement about the relationships”. OECD Economics Department Working Paper n. 264.
Krueger, Anne (1997) “Trade policy and economic development: how we learn”. NBER WP5896.
Rodríguez, Francisco e Dani Rodrik (1999) “Trade policy and economic growth: a skeptik’s guide to the cross-national evidence”. NBER WP7081.
Rodrik, Dani (1995) “Getting intervention right: how Taiwan and South Korea grew rich”. Economic Policy. 
Rodrik, Dani (2006) “What’s so special about China’s exports?” NBER WP11947

Recursos naturais
Lynn Karl, Terry (1997) The Paradox of Plenty: Oil Booms and Petro-States, University of California Press, Berkeley.
Lynn Karl, Terry (1999) ‘The Perils of the Petro-State: Reflections on the Paradox of Plenty’, Journal of International Affairs, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 31–48.
Ross, Michael L. (1999) ‘The Political Economy of the Resource Curse’, World Politics, vol. 51, pp. 297–322.
Soares de Oliveira, Ricardo (2007) Oil and Politics in the Gulf of Guinea, Hurst London.

Segurança alimentar
Dorosh (2001) “Trade liberalization and national food security: rice trade between Bangladesh and India”. World Development, 29, 4.
Sen, Amartya (1981) Poverty and Famine: an essay on entitlement and deprivation. Oxford University Press.
Timmer, C. Peter (2015) Food Security and Scarcity: why ending hungry is so hard. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Olson, Mancur (1993) “Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development.” American Political Science Review 87(3): 567-576.
Tilly, Charles (1985). “War making and state making as organized crime,” in Bringing the State Back In, eds P.B. Evans, D. Rueschemeyer, & T. Skocpol. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
Collier, Paul, e Anke Hoeffler (2004). “Greed and grievance in civil war.” Oxford economic papers 56.4: 563-595.
Keen, David (2005) Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone, James Currey, London. 

Experimentos randomizados: microdesenvolvimento 
Banerjee, A. e E. Duflo (2011) Poor economics: a radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty. Public Affairs. Capítulo 1.
Deaton, Angus (2009) “Evidence-based aid must not become the latest in a long string of development fads”. Boston Review.
Duflo, E. e M. Kremer (2008) “Use of Randomization in the Evaluation of Development Effectiveness” in Reinventing Foreign Aid, Easterly (ed). MIT Press.
Rodrik, Dani (2008) “The New Development Economics: We Shall Experiment, but How Shall We Learn?”. KSG Faculty Research Working Papers Series. Harvard University.
Aulas expositivas e discussão em sala.
Trabalhos escritos. De acordo com os artigos 81 a 84 do Regimento Geral da USP.
Norma de Recuperação
Alunos com nota entre 3,0 e 4,9 e frequência mínima de 70% poderão participar da recuperação.
Acemoglu, Daron and James Robinson (2012). Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty.
Balwin, Richard (2000) “Trade and growth: still disagreement about the relationships”. OECD Economics Department Working Paper n. 264.
Banerjee, A. e E. Duflo (2011) Poor economics: a radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty. Public Affairs. Capítulo 1.
Collier, Paul (2007) The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It. Oxford University Press.
Collier, Paul, e Anke Hoeffler (2004). “Greed and grievance in civil war.” Oxford economic papers 56.4: 563-595.
Deaton, Angus (2009) “Evidence-based aid must not become the latest in a long string of development fads”. Boston Review.
Dorosh (2001) “Trade liberalization and national food security: rice trade between Bangladesh and India”. World Development, 29, 4.
Duflo, E. e M. Kremer (2008) “Use of Randomization in the Evaluation of Development Effectiveness” in Reinventing Foreign Aid, Easterly (ed). MIT Press.
Easterly, William (2004) O espetáculo do crescimento: aventuras e desventuras dos economistas na incessante busca pela prosperidade nos trópicos. Ediouro.
Easterly, William (2005) “What did structural adjustment adjust? The association of policies and growth with repeated IMF and World Bank adjustment loans”. Journal of Development Economics.
Easterly, William (2006) The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good. Penguin Books.
Easterly, William (2008) "Introduction: Can’t Take It Anymore?" in Reinventing Foreign Aid, Easterly (ed). MIT Press.
Easterly, William (2009) “Can the West Save Africa?” Journal of Economic Literature 47(2).
Keen, David (2005) Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone, James Currey, London. 
Krueger, Anne (1997) “Trade policy and economic development: how we learn”. NBER WP5896.
Krugman, Paul (1994) “The Myth of Asia’s Miracle”. Foreign Affairs.
Lynn Karl, Terry (1997) The Paradox of Plenty: Oil Booms and Petro-States, University of California Press, Berkeley.
Lynn Karl, Terry (1999) ‘The Perils of the Petro-State: Reflections on the Paradox of Plenty’, Journal of International Affairs, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 31–48.
Moss, Todd, Gunilla Pettersson, e Nicolas Van de Walle (2006). “An aid-institutions paradox? A review essay on aid dependency and state building in sub-Saharan Africa.” Center for Global Development Working Paper 74.
Moyo, Dambisa (2009) Dead Aid: why aid is not working and how there is a better way for Africa. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York.
Olson, Mancur (1993) “Dictatorship, Democracy, and Development.” American Political Science Review 87(3): 567-576.
Quadir, Fahimul (2013) “Rising Donors and the New Narrative of ‘South–South’ Cooperation: what prospects for changing the landscape of development assistance programmes?” Third World Quarterly, 34:2, 321-338
Radelet, Steven (2006) "A Primer in Foreign Aid". Center for Global Development  Working Paper.
Ravallion, Martin (2016) “The World Bank: Why It Is Still Needed and Why It Still Disappoints”. Journal of Economic Perspectives.
Ray, Debraj (1998) Development Economics. Princeton University Press. Capítulo 2.
Robinson, James A. (2002). “States and Power in Africa by Jeffrey I. Herbst: A Review Essay.” Journal of Economic Literature 40(2): 510-519.
Rodríguez, Francisco e Dani Rodrik (1999) “Trade policy and economic growth: a skeptik’s guide to the cross-national evidence”. NBER WP7081.
Rodrik, Dani (1995) “Getting intervention right: how Taiwan and South Korea grew rich”. Economic Policy. 
Rodrik, Dani (2006) “What’s so special about China’s exports?” NBER WP11947
Rodrik, Dani (2008) “The New Development Economics: We Shall Experiment, but How Shall We Learn?”. KSG Faculty Research Working Papers Series. Harvard University.
Ross, Michael L. (1999) ‘The Political Economy of the Resource Curse’, World Politics, vol. 51, pp. 297–322.
Sachs, Jeffrey (2006) O fim da pobreza: como acabar com a miséria mundial nos próximos vinte anos. Companhia das Letras.
Sachs, Jeffrey (2014) "The case for aid". Foreign Policy.
Sen, Amartya (1981) Poverty and Famine: an essay on entitlement and deprivation. Oxford University Press.
Sen, Amartya (2000) Desenvolvimento como Liberdade. Companhia das Letras.
Soares de Oliveira, Ricardo (2007) Oil and Politics in the Gulf of Guinea, Hurst London.
Spruyt, Hendrik (2002). “The origins, development, and possible decline of the modern state.” Annual Review of Political Science 5.1: 127-149.
Tambourgi, Patrícia (2017) O Sistema Humanitário Internacional No Século XXI: Os Doadores Não DAC e o Caso Brasileiro. Tese de doutorado. IRI-USP.
Tilly, Charles (1985). “War making and state making as organized crime,” in Bringing the State Back In, eds P.B. Evans, D. Rueschemeyer, & T. Skocpol. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
Timmer, C. Peter (2015) Food Security and Scarcity: why ending hungry is so hard. University of Pennsylvania Press.
Van de Walle, Nicolas (2001). African Economies and the Politics of Permanent Crisis, 1979-1999. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Capítulo 5.
Vu, Tuong (2010). “Studying the state through state formation.” World politics 62.01: 148-175.
Waal, Alex de (2015) The Real Politics of the Horn of Africa: Money, War and the Business of Power. Polity.
Werker, Eric e Faisal Z. Ahmed (2008). “What Do Nongovernmental Organizations Do?” Journal of Economic Perspectives 22:2.
Woods, Ngaire (2006) The Globalizers: the IMF, the World Bank, and their borrowers. Cornell University Press. Capítulos 1-3.


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