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Instituto de Relações Internacionais
Bacharelado em Relações Internacionais
Disciplina: BRI0020 - Segurança Internacional Contemporânea: Enfoques, Dimensões e Atores.
Contemporary International Security: Approaches, Dimensions and Players

Créditos Aula: 4
Créditos Trabalho: 0
Carga Horária Total: 60 h
Tipo: Semestral
Ativação: 01/01/2010 Desativação:

1.	Familiarizar estudantes de graduação do curso de relações internacionais, ciências sociais e áreas afins com alguns dos temas mais relevantes do campo da segurança internacional, inclusive os temas tradicionais
2. Introduzir as discussões teóricas que tem norteado os debates no campo da segurança internacional
3. Mostrar e discutir os principais processos em curso no campo da segurança internacional
4. Discutir uma bibliografia relevante e atualizada dos estudos contemporâneos de segurança internacional
Programa Resumido
Esta disciplina se propõe então discutir os desenvolvimentos teóricos mais recentes desta subárea de relações internacionais. Será dada especial atenção para novas dimensões e novos setores na discussão contemporânea da segurança internacional, mas sem perder de vista debates tradicionais e atores tradicionais de segurança; O programa problematizará outro desenvolvimento também importante na segurança internacional contemporânea, a emergência de setores e atores  não tradicionais, atentando para as pressões e rupturas que estes operaram nas percepções  de ameaças e como o campo não só problematizou mas incorporou novos frameworks metodológicos face a compreensão conceitual mais acurada  de novos temas e dos  novos atores. 
Teorias de conflito: a visão realista da segurança internacional; teorias de cooperação na segurança internacional a perspectiva liberal; o enfoque da segurança humana;  fatores domésticos e segurança internacional (paz democrática); comunidades de segurança; estudos críticos em segurança; novos setores de segurança e securitização; a novas problemáticas da segurança tradicional; novas dimensões de segurança internacional (mudança climáticas, migrações, intervenções humanitárias); atores transnacionais públicos e não públicos na segurança internacional (casos terrorismo, segurança privada e ONGs); a regionalização da segurança. 
Aulas expositivas e, eventualmente, algum seminário dirigido, os que serão complementados com exercícios teóricos para avaliar fatos concretos do acontecer histórico.

Devem ser compatíveis com as atividades exigidas dos alunos, conforme inciso 1º do artigo 65 do Regimento Geral da USP.
De acordo com o artigo 81 do Regimento Geral da USP.
Norma de Recuperação
De acordo com o Regimento Geral da USP.
Terrific, Terry et al. Security studies today. United Kingdom, Polity Press.  1999, Cap 1:  “International relations and securities studies”. 
Walt, S. (1991) “The Renaissance of Security Studies”. Mershon International Studies Review, (41), pp. 211-39
Villa, Rafael. A. D; Reis, Rossana.R . “A segurança internacional no pós-Guerra Fria: um balanço da teoria tradicional e das novas agendas de pesquisa”. BIB. Revista Brasileira de Informação Bibliográfica em Ciências Sociais, v. 62, p. 19-52, 2006.
Booth, Ken & Wheeler, Nicholas . The security dilemma: fear, cooperation and trust in world politics: New York: Palgrave, 2008. Cap 1 : What is the security dilemma?
Jervis, Robert. “From balance to the concert”. A study of the international security cooperation”, World Politics 38(1), (October, 1985): 58-69. (Jstor)
Wolforth, William C. (1999). “ The Stability of a Unipolar World”, in: International Security, Vol. 24, (1).(Jstor)
Herz, J. H. “Idealist internationalism and the security dilemma”. World Politics, 2: (1950), p 157-180;
Kupchan, Ch. & Kupchan, C.“Promise of collective security”, in, Brown, Michael et al. Theories of war and peace. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1998. Part Iv International institutions, war and peace, in, Brown, Michael et al. Theories of war and peace. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1998
Haftendorn, H. Keohane, R,. & Wallander , Celeste A “risk, threat and security institutions”, in: Haftendorn, H, Keohane, R,. & Wallander , C. (eds.) . Imperfects unions: security institutions over time and space. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Daase, Christopher. “Spontaneous institutions: peacekeeping as an international convention”,
Haftendorn, H. Keohane, R,. & Wallander , C. “risk, threat and security institutions” in: Haftendorn, H. Keohane, R,. & Wallander , Celeste A (eds.) . Imperfects unions: security institutions over time and space. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Jervis, Robert. (1982) “Security Regimes”, International Organization, 36(2), pp. 173-194. Jstor.
Russet, Bruce. Grasping the democratic peace: principles for a post-cold war Princeton (New Jersey), Princeton University Press, 1993. Cap 1 “the fact of the democratic peace”
Barkawi, Tarak and Mark laffey. “Tme imperial peace: democracy, force and globalizatiom”, Europan Journal of International Relations, 5(4): 1999, p. 5-38. (Jstor)
Doyle, Michael. “Liberalism and world politics”, American Political Science Rewiev, 1986, pp. 1151-1169, Jstor
Peters, Ingo. “The OSC and German policy: a study in how institutions matter”, in: Haftendorn, H, Keohane, R,. & Wallander , C. (eds.) . Imperfects unions: security institutions over time and space. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999
Paris, Roland. “ Human security: paradigm or hot air”, International Security, 26(2), 2001. (Jstor)
King. G and Murray, C. “Rethinking the human security”, Political Science Quarterly, 116(4): (Winter, 2001-2002), pp. 585-610. (Jstor).
Adler, Emanuel & Barnet, Michael. “A framework for the study of security communities”, in: Adler,
Emanuel & Barnet, Michael (eds.) Security Communities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Caps 1 e 2, “Security communities in theoretical perspective”; “A framework for the study of security communities.
Booth, Ken. “Critical exploration”, in, Booth, Ken (ed.) Critical Security Studies and World Politics. London: Lynner Rienner, 2004.
Smith, Steve. (2004). “The contested concept of security”, in, Booth, Ken (ed.) Critical Security Studies and World Politics. London: Lynner Rienner, 2004.
Hurrel, Andrew. “An emerging security community: in South America? in: Adler, Emanuelm
Barnet, Michael (eds.) Security Communities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998;
Ruane, J. & Todd, J. “Communal conflict and emancipation: the case of the Northern ireland”, in, Booth, Ken (ed.) Critical Security Studies and World Politics. London: Lynner Rienner, 2004.
Brown, Michael et al. Theories of war and peace. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1998. Part Iv International institutions, war and peace, in, Brown, Michael et al. Theories of war and peace. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1998. Part Iv International institutions, war and peace.
Layne, Christopher, “The myth of the democratic peace”, in, Brown, Michael et al. Theories of war and peace. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1998. Part Iv International institutions, war and peace, in, Brown, Michael et al. Theories of war and peace. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1998
Mearsheimer, John. “Back to the future: instability in Europe after the cold war, in, Brown, Michael et al. Theories of war and peace. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1998. Part International institutions, war and peace,
Buzan, B., Waever, O. 2003. Regions and Power. The Structure of International Security.
Cambridge University Press, 2003. Cap 3: “security complexes: a theory of regional security”.
Knudsen, Olay. Post-Copenhagen Security Studies. Desecuritizing the securitization”, Security Dialogues, 32(3), 2003, pp. 355-358.
Waltz, Kenneth. “More may be better”, in, Sagan, S. D. & Waltz K. The spread of nuclear weapons: a debate New York /London: W.W Norton, 1995.
Sagan, Scott More will be worse”, in, Sagan, S. D. & Waltz K. The spread of nuclear weapons: a debate New York /London: W.W Norton, 1995.
Koblentz, Gregory. “Pathogens as weapons: the international security implications of biological warfare”, in, Brown, Michael E. et al. (orgs) New global dangers . Changing dimensions of international security. Cambridge (London): The MIT Press, 2004.
Sagan, Scot D. Why do states build nuclear weapons? Three models in search of a bomb”. In, Brown, Michael E. et al. (orgs) New global dangers . Changin dimensions of international security
Braum, Chaim and Christopher, Chyba. “Proliferation rings: new challenges to the New proliferations regimes”, International Security, 29(2), 2002, p. 5-49.
Jervis, Robert. “The political effects of the nuclear weapons”, International Security, 13(2), 1998, p. 87-119.
Karl, David. “Proliferation pessimism and emerging nuclear powers~, International Security, 2(3), 1996-1997, pp. 87-119.
Sheehan, Michael. (2004). International Security: an analytical Survey. London: LyNner Rienners, 2004. . Cap “environmental security”.
Homer-Dixon, Thomas. “Environmental scarcity and violent conflict: evidences from cases”, in, Brown, Michael E. et al. (orgs) New global dangers . Changing dimensions of international security. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004.
Adamsom. Fiona “Crossing borders: international migrations and national security”, International Security, 31(1), (Summer, 2006), pp. 165-199.
Myers, Norman. “Environment security”, Foreign Policy (74).
Weyner, Myron. “Security, stability and international migration”, in, Brown, Michael E. et al. (orgs) New global dangers . Changing dimensions of international security. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004.
Dowty, Allan and Loescher, Gil. “ Refugee flows as ground international for action”, International Securitity, 21(1), (Summer, 1996), pp. 43-71.
4. A cultura como um tema de segurança:
Brown, Michael. “The causes of the internal conflict: an overview, in: Brown, Michael et. al (eds.) Nationalism and ethnic conflict: an international security reader (revised edition). Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2001.
Kaldor, Mary. News & old wars. Organized violence in global era. Stanford (California): Stanford University Press. Cap 4, “The politics of new wars”.
Holzgrefe, J.L. “The humanitarian intervention debate”, in: Holzgrefe, J.L & Keohane, R (eds.) . Humanitarian intervention: etical, legal and political dilemmas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Mueller, John. The banality of “etnical war”, in: Nationalism and ethnic conflict: an international security reader (revised edition). Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2001.
Keohane, Robert. Political authority after intervention: gradations in sovereignty, in: Holzgrefe, J.L & Keohane, R (eds.) . Humanitarian intervention: etical, legal and political dilemmas. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Booth, Ken . “World in collisions. Booth, Ken & Dunne, Tim (eds.). Worlds in Collision: Terror and the Future of Global Order. New York: Palgrave, 2002.
Freedman, Lawrence. “New type of war”, Booth, Ken & Dunne, Tim (eds.). (2002).. Worlds in Collision: Terror and the Future of Global Order. New York: Palgrave, 2002
Shelley, Louise. ‘Transnational organized crime”, an imminent threat to the National threat to the nation-state”, Jornal of International Affairs, 48(2), (Winter, 1995), pp. 463-489.
Kydd, Andrrew and Walter, Barbara. “The strategies of the terrorism”, International Security, 31 (1), (summer, 2006), pp. 49-80.
Huntington, Samuel. “The clash of the civilization, Foreign Affairs, 72(3), 1993, pp. 22-69. Ha versao em Portugués na Revista de Politica Externa.
Keller, Michael Fischer. “David versus Goliath: cultural judgements in asymmetric wars”, Security Studies, 7(4), 1998, pp. 1-43.
Cooley, A. & Ron, J. The NCOs scramble; organizational insecurity and the political economy of transnational action, in, Brown, Michael E. et al. (orgs) New global dangers . Changing dimensions of international security. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004.
Cohen, M. & Maria. Kupçu. “Privatizing foreign policy”, World Policy Journal, Fall, 2005: 34-51.
Singer, P. W. Corporate warriors: the rise of the privatizad military industry and its ramifications for international security”, in, Brown, Michael E. et al. (orgs) New global dangers . Changing dimensions of international security. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2004.
Holmqvist, Caroline. “Private security companies: a case for regulation, SIPRI (policy paper, no. 9), (January, 2005).
Arevalo, Javier R. “Contratistas civiles en operaciones expedicionarias. Problemas de seguridad y control para el mando militar”, Athena Intelligence Jornal, 3 (1): (febrero, 2008). 13-38.

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