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Júpiter - Sistema de Gestão Acadêmica da Pró-Reitoria de Graduação

Faculdade de Direito
Direito Internacional e Comparado
Disciplina: DIN0445 - International Relations of Law

Créditos Aula: 2
Créditos Trabalho: 0
Carga Horária Total: 30 h
Tipo: Semestral
Ativação: 01/01/2018 Desativação:

The goal of this course is to emphasize the relation of association and distinction between International Law and International Politics: questions regarding power legitimacy on global arena, and different positions held by the different schools and analysis’ models from the international relations Academic circles; to study the configuration of international relations prevalent in the twentieth and twenty-first century, as well as the end of pentarchy at the Concert of Europe, the unanimity of the League of Nations, collective security at the United Nations: bipolarity and multipolarity and the current phenomena of globalization and their impact on the legal system of States. Furthermore, it aims to explore the components of international relations; the actors, the context of action and the types of action (neutrality and indifference, opposition and cooperation, peace, war and neutrality). Therefore, the following didactic procedures will be used: lectures by the responsible Professor and seminars on subjects previously chosen, with the analysis of texts or historical or current situations through cooperation of a Monitor under strict supervision of the responsible Professor.
Docente(s) Responsável(eis)
191449 - Alberto do Amaral Junior
Programa Resumido
The goal of this course is to emphasize the relation of association and distinction between International Law and International Politics: questions regarding power legitimacy on global arena, and different positions held by the different schools and analysis’ models from the international relations Academic circles; to study the configuration of international relations prevalent in the twentieth and twenty-first century, as well as the end of pentarchy at the Concert of Europe, the unanimity of the League of Nations, collective security at the United Nations: bipolarity and multipolarity and the current phenomena of globalization and their impact on the legal system of States. Furthermore, it aims to explore the components of international relations; the actors, the context of action and the types of action (neutrality and indifference, opposition and cooperation, peace, war and neutrality). Therefore, the following didactic procedures will be used: lectures by the responsible Professor and seminars on subjects previously chosen, with the analysis of texts or historical or current situations through cooperation of a Monitor under strict supervision of the responsible Professor.
International Law and International Politics. The Total War in the Twentieth Century and the Status of International Relations today: modern theories of International Relations in modernity: the actors, the scenarios, relationships and their configurations (harmony and conflict, situations of peace and war; modern forms of conflicts). Introduction: Politics and Law, inside the states and in the reality of international relations: doctrine support. The twenty-first century. Actors: states, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), individuals and businesses; its legitimacy and governance. The scenario: spaces under the jurisdiction of states and the international common spaces; cross-border phenomena and their international regulation.
Theoretical and practical classes, and seminars, at the discretion of the responsible professor.
The evaluation of the students will be made according to their performance in tests and assignments.
Norma de Recuperação
Students that obtain final score between 3,0 and 4,9, and also attendance of 70% will be requested to attend to a written exam and accomplish a grade equal or superior of 5,0.
Albuquerque Mello, Celso D. de Direito Internacional Público, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Renovar.- Anderson, M. S. The Rise of Modern Diplomacy, 1450-1919, Londres e Nova York, Longman, 1993.- Carreau, Dominique Droit International, Paris, Pedone, 4a edição, 1994.- Colliard, Claude-Albert, Institutions des Relations Internationales, Paris, Dalloz, 6a edição, 1974.- Dinh, Nguyen Quoc, Patrick Daillier e Allain Pellet Droit International Public, Paris, Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 4a edição, 1992.- Faria, José Eduardo, Direito e Globalização, São Paulo, Malheiros, 1996.- Kissinger, Henry Diplomacy, Londres, Sydney, Nova York, Tóquio, Singapura, Toronto, Simon & Schuster, 1995.- Lindgren Alves, J. A. Os Direitos Humanos como Tema Global, São Paulo Perspectiva em Brasília, Fundação Alexandre Gusmão, 1994 (Estudos: 144 ).- Plantey, Alain De la Politique entre les États, Principes de Diplomatie, 2a edição, Paris, Pedone, 1991.- Plantey, Alain La Negotiation Internationale, Principe et Méthodes, Paris, Editions du CNRS, 1980.- Rangel, Vicente Marotta Direito e Relações Internacionais, Textos Coligidos e Ordenados por, São Paulo, Editora Revista dos Tribunais, - Soares, Guido F. S. Direito Internacional do Meio Ambiente, São Paulo, Atlas, 2001.- Soares, Guido F. S. "Os Órgãos das Relações Exteriores dos Estados e as Formas de Diplomacia" in "Livro em Homenagem ao Professor Vicente Marotta Rangel".

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