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Júpiter - Sistema de Gestão Acadêmica da Pró-Reitoria de Graduação

Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária
Disciplina: EAD0725 - Careers: new theories and aplications

Créditos Aula: 2
Créditos Trabalho: 0
Carga Horária Total: 30 h
Tipo: Semestral
Ativação: 01/01/2017 Desativação:

This course is addressed to present and discuss new theories, approaches, uses and challenges on Careers Studies.
Docente(s) Responsável(eis)
1849068 - Tania Casado
Programa Resumido
Contemporary Career Models and Theories. Self knowledge for Career Planning. Personality theories. Topics on careers theories: Boundaryless Careers, Protean Careers, Opt-out, Dual Careers and Work Life Integration. Career success around the world.

A final paper and a theory presentation are required.
Contemporary Career Models and Theories. Self knowledge for Career Planning. Personality theories. Topics on careers theories: Boundaryless Careers, Protean Careers, Opt-out, Dual Careers and Work Life Integration. Career success around the world.

A final paper and a theory presentation are required.
A final paper and a theory presentation are required
A final paper and a theory presentation are required
Norma de Recuperação
A final paper and a theory presentation are required
CLONINGER, SUSAN C. Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons. 6th ed.Pearson, 2012. 
ARTHUR, M. B; CLAMAM, P. H.; DeFILLIPPI, R. J. Intelligent enterprise, intelligent career. Academy of Management Executive, v. 9, n.4, pp. 7-20, 1995. 
ARTHUR, M. B.; ROUSSEAU, D. M. The boundaryless career: a new employment principle for a new organizational era. New York: Orford, University Press, 1996.
BRISCOE, J.; HALL, D. T.; DeMUTH, R. L. F. Protean and boudaryless career: an empirical exploration. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 69, pp. 30-47, 2006. 
HALL, D.T. Protean Careers of the 21st Century. Academy of Management Executive, v. 10, n.4, pp. 8-16, 1996.
HALL, D.T. The Study of Careers. In: Careers in and out of organizations. London: Sage, 2002.
HALL, D.T. The Protean Career Contract. In: Careers in and out of organizations. London: Sage, 2002.
HUGUES, Everett C. Institutional Office and the Person. American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 43, No. 3 (Nov., 1937), pp. 404-413.
KRAM, K.; HIGGINS, M. A New Mindset on Mentoring: Creating Developmental Networks at Work. MITSloan Management Review, pp. 1-6, 2009. 
CHANDLER, D. E.; KRAM, K. Enlisting Others in your development as a leader. In: ROTHSTEIN, M. G.; BURKE, R. J. Self-Management and Leadership Development. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2010.
CHANDLER, D. E.; KRAM, K.; YIP, J. An Ecological Systems Perspective on Mentoring at Work: A Review and Future Prospects. The Academy of Management Annals, v. 5, n.1, pp. 519-570, 2011. 

IBARRA, H.; BARBULESCU, R. Identity as narrative: prevalence effectiveness, and consequences of narrative identity work in macro work role transitions. Academy of Management Review, 2010, Vol. 35, No. 1, 135–154.
Mainiero, L. A.; Sullivan, S. E. Kaleidoscope careers: An alternate explanation for the “opt-out” revolution. Academy of Management Executive, 2005, Vol. 19, No. 1
BAILYN, L. Individual Constraints – Occupational Demands on Private Life. In: Breaking the Mold: Redesigning Work for Productive and Satisfying Lives. Free Press, 1993.
BAILYN, L.; DRAGO, R.; KOCHAN, T. Integrating Work an Family Life – A Holistic Approach. MIT, Sloan School of Management, 2001. 
BAILYN, L.; HARRINGTON, M. Redesigning work for work-family integration. Community, Work & Family, v. 7, n. 2, 2010. 
HYMOWITZ, Carol. Behind every great woman. Features January 04, 2012.
BAILYN, L. Career and Family Orientations of Husbands and Wifes in Relation to Marital Happiness. Human Relations, v. 23, n. 2, pp. 97-113, 1970.
BAILYN, L. Academic Careers and Gender Equity: Lessons Learned from MIT. Gender, Work and Organization, v. 10, n. 2, pp. 137-153, 2003.
DEUTSCH, F. M.; ROSKA, J.; MEESKE, C. How Gender Counts When Couples Count Their Money. Sex Roles, v. 48, n. 7/8, pp. 291-304, 2003.
Teaching Case: “Citibank”
SANTOS, R. C. (Org). Manual de gestão empresarial: conceitos e aplicações nas empresas brasileiras. São Paulo: Atlas, 2007.
SCHEIN, E.H. Career anchors: discovering your real values. San Diego: Pfeiffer &Company, University Associates, 1990.
SCHEIN, E.H. Career dynamic: matching individual and organizational needs. Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley, 1978.
VAN MAANEN, John. Organizational careers: some new perspectives. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1977.

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