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Júpiter - Sistema de Gestão Acadêmica da Pró-Reitoria de Graduação

Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Engenharia de Produção
Disciplina: SEP0141 - Frontiers in Production Engineering

Créditos Aula: 2
Créditos Trabalho: 1
Carga Horária Total: 60 h
Tipo: Semestral
Ativação: 15/07/2019 Desativação:

Studying and Developingup-to-date content related to Production Engineering in order to contribute to the future professional and personal performance of the undergraduate students.
Docente(s) Responsável(eis)
3026366 - Aldo Roberto Ometto
3399578 - Eraldo Jannone da Silva
2239535 - Kleber Francisco Espôsto
2112902 - Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti
2240134 - Mateus Cecilio Gerolamo
Programa Resumido
1.	Change Management in Operations Management
2.	Agile Supply Chain
3.	Multicriteria Decision-Making (MCDM) Techniques applied to Operations Management
4.	Technologies for Industry 4.0
5.	Circular Economy applied to Operations Management
1.	Change Management concepts and techniques applied to operations; success factors of change programs; barriers and the reasons why many transformation programs fail.
2.	Lately, the main references on Supply Chain Management consider different types of supply chain and, more than that, companies should usually has more than one supply chain of different types in their reality. The topic intend to present the different types of supply chain considered in the main references about the theme and discuss with the participants the effects of adopting them in the routine of the companies. Content: Fully Flexible Supply Chains, Campaign Supply Chains, Agile Supply Chains, Lean Supply Chains, Collaborative Supply Chains - Efficient and Responsive Supply Chains.
3.	Overview of MCDM (Multicriteria Decision-Making) techniques and combination of these techniques with computing with words: additive and outranking models. Detailed presentation of some techniques: TOPSIS, AHP - ELECTRE; Computing with words: use of fuzzy numbers to translate linguistic variables into mathematical operations when combined with MCDM techniques.
4.	Industry 4.0 initiatives around the world; Technologies Industry 4.0; Digital world:Internet of Things, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence; Physical world:3D printing, Biological world:Gene therapy
5.	Circular Value Chains, Circular Business Models, Circular Design and Operations: Reuse, Remanufacturing, recycling; Product as a Service, Digitalization, Circular Resources; Design for Circularity, Modularity, Circular Supply Chain.
The methodology of the course will use some principles of TBL - Team-Based Learning, and will focus on student-based learning. Thus, learning objectives and opportunities depend largely on the students themselves. Students will regularly form teams that, in addition to actively participating in the collective work, will contribute to the discussion, seeking resources, researching, proposing solutions to the problem presented, etc. The students will assume, alternately, roles and responsibilities well defined for the accomplishment of the work. A metodologia do curso usará alguns princípios da Aprendizagem Baseada em Equipes (TBL – Team-Based Learning), e enfocará a aprendizagem centrada no estudante. Assim, os objetivos e oportunidades de aprendizagem dependem em grande parte dos próprios estudantes. Os estudantes formarão regularmente equipes que, além de participar ativamente do trabalho coletivo, contribuirão para a discussão, buscando recursos, pesquisando, propondo soluções para o problema apresentado, etc. Os estudantes assumirão, alternadamente, funções e responsabilidades bem definidas para a realização do trabalho
The student's assessment will be composed as follows: * Professor evaluation; * Teacher Assistant Assessment (when available); * Student Assessment (pairs); * Self-evaluation; The following factors should be taken into account: * The student's contribution to the quality of the course; * Respect for other people; * Performance and development of the student during the course. A avaliação do aluno será composta da seguinte forma: * Avaliação do professor; * Avaliação do Monitor (quando houver); * Avaliação dos Alunos (pares); * Auto-avaliação; Deverá ser levado em conta o desempenho do aluno aos seguintes fatores: * Contribuição do aluno para com a qualidade do curso; * Respeito às demais pessoas; * Desempenho e desenvolvimento do aluno durante o curso.
Norma de Recuperação
The evaluation criteria for retake should be similar to those applied during the regular course; 1) The final grade (FG) of the student who has undergone retake tests will depend on the average of the semester (SA) and the average of the tests of retake (RT), as follows: a) FG = 5 if 5 ≤ RT ≤ (10 - SA); b) FG = (SA + RT) / 2 if RT> (10-SA) c) FG = SA if RT <5. 2) The period of retake of the disciplines should extend from the beginning to one month before the end of the semester subsequent to that of the student's failure in the first evaluation. Os critérios de avaliação da recuperação devem ser similares aos aplicados durante o semestre regular do oferecimento da disciplina; 1) A nota final (MF) do aluno que realizou provas de recuperação dependerá da média do semestre (MS) e da média das provas de recuperação (MR), como segue: a) MF=5 se 5 ≤MR ≤ (10 - MS); b) MF = (MS + MR) / 2 se MR > (10 – MS) c) MF = MS se MR < 5. 2) O período de recuperação das disciplinas deve se estender do início até um mês antes do final do semestre subsequente ao da reprovação do aluno em primeira avaliação.

1.Change Management in Operations Management:
Kotter, J. P. Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail, Harvard Business Review, March-April, 1995. pp. 59-67.

2.Agile Supply Chain:
GATTORNA, J. Living Supply Chains: how to mobilize the enterprise around delivering what your customer want. London: Prentice Hall, 2006.

3.Multicriteria Decision-Making (MCDM) Techniques applied to Operations Management:
GALO, NADYA REGINA ; CALACHE, LUCAS DANIEL DEL ROSSO ; Carpinetti, Luiz Cesar Ribeiro . A group decision approach for supplier categorization based on hesitant fuzzy and ELECTRE TRI. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 202, p. 182-196, 2018. 
Osiro, Lauro ; LIMA-JUNIOR, FRANCISCO R. ; CARPINETTI, LUIZ CESAR R. . A fuzzy logic approach to supplier evaluation for development. International Journal of Production Economics, v. 153, p. 95-112, 2014.  

4.Technologies for Industry 4.0:
Gilchrist, A. Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things, 1st ed. Edition, 250p.(

5. Circular Economy applied to Operations Management:
BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. BSI 8001 - Framework for implementing the principles of the circular economy in organizations. Guide, 2017. 


1.Change Management in Operations Management:
PARAO, P. E. P.; GEROLAMO, M.C. "Organizational culture for lean programs", Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 30 Issue: 4, 2017, pp. 584-598. doi:

2.Agile Supply Chain:
FISHER, M. What is the right Supply Chain for your product? Harvard Business Review, March-April, 1997.

3.Multicriteria Decision-Making (MCDM) Techniques applied to Operations Management:
LIMA JUNIOR, FRANCISCO RODRIGUES ;Carpinetti, Luiz Cesar Ribeiro . Uma comparação entre os métodos TOPSIS e Fuzzy-TOPSIS no apoio à tomada de decisão multicritério para seleção de fornecedores. Gestão& Produção (UFSCAR. Impresso), v. 22, p. 17-34, 2015.

4. Technologies for Industry 4.0:
Silva, E.B., et al., Automação & Sociedade: Quarta revolução Industrial, um olhar para o Brasil.

5. Circular Economy applied to Operations Management:
GHISELLINI, P.; CIALANI, C.; ULGIATI, S. A review on circular economy: the expected transition to a balanced interplay of environmental and economic systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, Towards Post Fossil Carbon Societies: Regenerative and Preventative Eco-Industrial Development. v. 114, p. 11–32, 15 fev. 2016. 


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