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Júpiter - Sistema de Gestão Acadêmica da Pró-Reitoria de Graduação

Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Engenharia de Produção
Disciplina: SEP0143 - Change Management

Créditos Aula: 3
Créditos Trabalho: 1
Carga Horária Total: 75 h
Tipo: Semestral
Ativação: 15/07/2021 Desativação:

Goals: Developing Leadership skills related to the “Change Management Process”, in order to contribute to the future technological and social performance of undergraduate and graduate students.
Docente(s) Responsável(eis)
2240134 - Mateus Cecilio Gerolamo
Programa Resumido
Programa resumido / Content Outline:
 Change Management theory and techniques;
 Organizational Alignment;
 Strategic Orientation;
 Organizational Culture;
 Leadership;
 Resistance to change;
 Organizational Learning;
 Digitization and Industry 4.0.
 Change Management theory and techniques – to comprehend the main theories, concepts and techniques that support the management of change and innovation in organizations;
 Organizational Alignment – to consider the organizational dimensions that need to be aligned for effective performance and understand the mechanisms of alignment;
 Strategic Orientation – to understand the main strategy models and techniques and the principles of
strategic positioning;
 Organizational Culture – to understand organizational culture concepts and models of culture mapping in different types of organizations;;
 Leadership – to study the elements that define a leader, leadership profiles, and forms of leadership
 Resistance to change – to comprehend the role of the leader as a transformation agent, success factors of
change programs, and barriers and the reasons why many transformation programs fail;
 Organizational Learning – to realize that change and innovation only happen when the organization learn as a whole and to comprehend the main theories that support the learning process in organizations;
 Digitization and Industry 4.0 – to be able to apply change management theories in digital transformation and Industry 4.0 projects.
Method: The methodology of the course will use principles of Team and Project Based Learning (TBL and PjBL). Learning objectives and opportunities depend largely on the own students. Students will regularly work in virtual teams that, in addition to actively participating in the collective work, will contribute to the discussion, doing research, and proposing theory-based solutions to the challenges proposed by professor and companies’ partners. The students will assume roles and responsibilities to accomplish the work. A combination of online interactive lectures, case discussions, exercises and projects are supposed to be used. TBL and PjBL approaches require that most of the activities must occur in a synchronous way. It is expected that the students have a good Internet connection and open their cameras while participating in synchronous activities. Pre-class work (reading and synthesis): The undergraduate students will have to read one mandatory and one supplementary papers before each class; and the graduate students will have to read (usually) four mandatory and one supplementary papers before each class. Each undergraduate students in the same team will read different papers in order to guarantee that the entire teamunderstands and knows all the class content. Each student must prepare a synthesis of his or her weekly study demonstrating the comprehension and learning of the content presented by each paper. The synthesis must be delivered 36 hours before the class via the virtual learning environment (Google Classroom). Such a synthesis can be done in different formats (abstract, table, figure, mind map, podcast or video) and they will be shared with among the other students. It is supposed the use of 2 hours per week for undergraduate students and 8 hours per week for graduate students for the pre-class preparation. Alignment and discussion: The class begins with a discussion and alignment about the assigned content between the professor and the graduate students. Then, the undergrad students are integrated with their respective teams and, thus, they can start the thematic discussion. Firstly, the students share their understandings about the theory among other members of the team. Then, they work in teams to apply the concepts in an exercise, case study or a real problem. Lastly, they prepare a presentation to be shared with the whole class, as follows. Presentation and Conclusion of the Class: Some groups are selected to present their consolidated document for the entire class and discuss with them the most important ideas. This is the moment when the professor leads the discussion and everyone can add his/her own contribution. In the end of the class, the professor explains for the students what will be the content and required readings for the next class. Project Development: The final outcome of the course is the delivery of a thematic project developed in teams. This project is developed in partnership with real companies, and the students should put all the concepts, tools and techniques learned in classromm into practice.
Criteria: Student assessment will consider:  Professor evaluation;  Teacher Assistant Assessment;  Student Assessment (peer assessment);  Performance in activities and exams;  Self-assessment. The following criteria will be taken into account:  Student Performance and development during the course;  Student contribution to the quality of the course;  Ethical aspects, respect to the rules and to other people. Semester Average (SA) from 0,0 to 10,0: If SA ≥ 5,0  approved If 3,0 ≤ SA < 5,0  recovery If SA < 3,0 GRADING Activities Responsibility Weight pre-class activities (36 hours before each class) individual 20% attendance and active participation (in each class) individual 20% final project or paper (second half of the semester) team 30% final exam (last class) individual 30%
Norma de Recuperação
Recovery Rules: The evaluation criteria for test recovery is similar to those applied during the regular course: 1. The final grade (FG) of the student who has undergone recovery tests will depend on the semester average (SA) and the average of the recovery tests (RT), as follows: a) FG = 5 if 5 ≤ RT ≤ (10 – SA); b) FG = (SA + RT) / 2 if RT> (10 – SA) c) FG = SA if RT <5. 2. The recovery period of the disciplines is as follows: a) At the beginning of the next semester after failed in the normal evaluation; b) The last moment for a recovery test is in the second to last month of the subsequent semester.
Main Bibliography:
 Andersen, E. Learning to Learn: Mental tools to help you master new skills, Harvard Business Review,March, 2016. pp. 98-101.
 Bauman, Z. 44 Letters From the Liquid Modern World, Polity Press: Malden, MA, 2010. p. 208.
 Beer, M.; Nohria, N. Cracking the Code of Change, Harvard Business Review, May-June, 2000. pp. 133-141.
 Bennet, N.; Lemoine, G, J., ‘What VUCA Really Means for You’, Harvard Business Review, January- February, 2014, p. 27.
 Buono, A. F.; Kerber, K. Creating a Sustainable Approach to Change: Building Organizational Change Capacity, S.A.M. Advanced Management Journal, Spring; 75, 2; ABI/INFORM Global, 2010. pp. 4-21.
 Cameron, E.; Green M. Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models, Tools & Techniques of Organizational Change, Kogan Page, 2004.
 Cameron, K.S., Quinn, R.E., DeGraff, J. Competing Values Leadership: Creating Value in Organizations, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2006.
 Cameron, K.S., Quinn,R.E. Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture: Based on the Competing Values Framework, Addisokn-Wesley, 2011.
 Christensen, C. M.; Anthony, S. D.; Berstell, G.; Nitterhouse, D. Finding the Right Job for Your Product. MIT Sloan Management Review, 48, Spring, 2007. pp. 38-47.
 Christensen, C. M.; Marx, M.; Stevenson, H. H. The Tools of Cooperation and Change, Harvard Business Review, Oct. 2006.
 Christensen, C. M.; Overdorf, M. Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change, Harvard Business Review, Mar-Apr, 2000.
 Christensen, C. M. The Innovator ́s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail, Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press, 1997.
 Fischer, M. L. What is the Right Supply Chain for Your Product? Harvard Business Review, March-April, 1997. pp. 105-116.
 Garvin, D. A.; Roberto, M. A. Change Through Persuasion, Harvard Business Review, February, 2005. pp.104-112.
 Garvin,D. Building a Learning Organization, Harvard Business Review, July-August, 1993.
 Gattorna, J. Living Supply Chains: how to mobilize the enterprise around delivering what your customer want, Harlow: Pearson Educated Limited, 2006. p. 334.
 Gino, F.; Staats, B. Why Organizations Don’t Learn, Harvard Business Review, November, 2015, pp. 110-118.
 Groysberg, B.; Lee, J.; Price, J.; Cheng, Y-J. The Leaders Guide to Corporate Culture, Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb, 2018.
 Hofstede, G. Cultures and Organizations - software of the mind, McGraw-Hill Education; 3 edition, 2010, p. 576.
 Kaplan, R.; Norton, D. Having trouble with your strategy - then map it, Harvard Business Review, Sep-Oct 2000.
 Kerber, K.; Buono, A. F. Rethinking Organizational Change: Reframing the Challenge of Change Management, Organizational Development Journal, Volume 23, Number 3, 2005. pp. 23-38.
 Kim, W. C.; Mauborgne, R. Creating New Market Space, Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb, 1999. Pp.83-93.
 Kotter, J. P. Leading Change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1996.
 Kotter, J. P. Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail, Harvard Business Review, March-April,
1995. pp. 59-67.
 Kotter, J. P.; Schlesinger, L. A. Choosing Strategies for Change, Harvard Business Review, Mar-Apr, 1979. pp. 106-114.
 Kubler-Ross, E. On Death and Dying, New York : The Macmillan Company, 1969, p. 260.
 Lawrence, P. R. How to Deal with Resistance to Change, Harvard Business Review, May-June, 1954. pp. 49-57.
 Michaelsen, L., Sweet, M. & Parmalee, D. Team-Based Learning: Small Group Learning’s Next Big Step. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Jossey-Bass; 1 edition, 2009.
 Miles, R. E.; Snow, C. C.; Meyer, A. D.; Coleman Jr., H. J. Organization Strategy, Structure and Process, The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1978. pp. 546-562.
 Morrison, D. E. Psychological Contracts and Change, Human Resource Management, Fall, Vol. 33, Number 3, 1994. pp. 353-372.
 Pettigrew, A.M., “Longitudinal field research on change: theory and practice”, Organization Science, Vol. 1 No. 3, 1990, pp. 267-92.
 Porter M. E. What is strategy?, Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dec, 1996. pp. 61-78.
 Quinn, R. E. Beyond Rational Management: Mastering the Paradoxes and Competing Demands of High Performance, J-B US non-Franchise Leadership, Paperback, 1991.
 Quinn, R. E. The Positive Organization: Breaking Free from Conventional Cultures, Constraints, and Beliefs, Berrett-Koehler Publishers; 2015, p. 168.
 Schafer, R. H. All Management is Change Management, Harvard Business Review [Online], 2017. Topic: Change Management. Available at:
 Schaffer, R. H.; Thomson, H. A. Successful Change Programs Begin with Results, Harvard Business Review, January-February, 1992. pp. 80-89.
 Scharmer, C. O. Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges, Berrett-Koehler Publishers; 1 edition, 2009. p. 533.
 Schein, E. H. Coming to a New Awareness of Organizational Culture, Sloan Management Review,_Winter 1984, pp. 3-16.
 Schein, E. H. Culture - the Missing Concept, Adm Science Quarterly, vol 41 Jun 1996, p. 229-240.
 Schein, E. H. Models and Tolls for Stability and Change in Human Systems, Reflections, Volume 4, number 2, 2002. pp. 34-46.
 Schein, E. H. Organizational Culture and Leadership, J-B US non-Franchise Leadership, Paperback, 2004.
 Schein, E. H. The Anxiety of Learning, Harvard Business Review, Interview by Diane L. Coutu, March, 2002, pp. 100-106.
 Sirkin, H. L.; Keenan, P.; Jackson, A. (2005). The Hard Side of Change Management, Harvard Business Review, October, pp. 108-114.
 Strebel, P. (1996). Why Do Employees Resist Change? Harvard Business Review, May-June, pp. 86-92.
 Treacy, M.; Wiersema, F. Customer Intimacy and Other Value Disciplines, Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb, 1993, p. 84-93.

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